Fresh & so Clean Clean...Friday..June 15!!!

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
This may seem like a no brainer but as a nurse and what I see people DO.....hmmmmm!!!

Wash your hands frequently! Wash your hands especially after finishing your workout whether at home or the gym! We have germs all over our hands and can transfer them easily as we sweat and wipe our face. If have a home gym wipe down your equipment with wipes every week and if at the gym wipe after every use. If they don't have any tell them they NEED to get some!
Think about workout...don't wash hands then touch your bad or purse...then touch car and steering wheel and on and on...the germs just keep on passing on!!!

Keep yourself safe and wash your hands! YOU will thank yourself later!!! Oh and no this does not make you a neat freak!



  • Megs081211
    Megs081211 Posts: 150
    Oh I'm not exactly germaphob but I wipe down the equipment before and after I use it (many people don't clean the equipment at the gym and that's gross). I usually wipe my hands with the disinfectant cloth, but maybe I'll make a trip to the bath room.