How is everyone doing?

CMSfit Posts: 11 Member
How are you doing on your goals? What are some of your daily motivators?


  • CMSfit
    CMSfit Posts: 11 Member
    I am doing so far so good. A friend from work shared a very useful tip that I have used this week. She learned from a weightloss program that if you work in an office it may be easier for you to get up from your desk every hour or hour and a half to walk for 7 minutes. That is what I have been doing and it is working! By the end of the day I have been clocking 30-45 minutes of walking. I am a working mom of three, which leaves no time for excercise once I get home. I always HATED using my lunch hour to walk, that is when I want to sit, enjoy my lunch, and chat with co-workers. I LOVE this new method!!!
  • dmgeurts
    dmgeurts Posts: 23 Member
    That is an awesome suggestion!! :)

    I've been doing pretty well. I am on Day 14 of the 30DS, and it's kickin' my behind. I am not noticing much weight loss (I think I am eating too few calories), but I am noticing lots of inches lost. I bumped up my calories to my BMR to see if that helps any.

    I am continuing to do my 1 or 2 Mile Walk Away The Pounds videos on week days, and my regular Ab routine 3 days/week. I am trying to only do the 30DS on weekends, and nothing else. Every 10 days of the 30DS, I've been taking one day off from everything.

    I am liking the results from the 30DS so much, that I am tempted to do it a second time with increasing my weights - but I will probably take a couple of weeks off in between.

    My eating has been going really well - I am doing the best I can to make cleaner food choices. I am not perfect - but if I have the option - I try. I have completely given up soda (except in the occasional "mixed drink") - this was a HUGE accomplishment for me. The last few months, before I joined MFP - I soley drank soda every single day - and lots of it. Partially because I really detest water. Once I discovered how refreshing water is with ice and a lemon wedge squeezed in - I was hooked. I even add other fruits for a treat (I just freeze fresh fruit in my freezer) - Strawberries and Rhubarb are one of my favorite. I never eat the fruit when I am done - but it flavors my water perfectly. And I don't use any sweetener in it at all. Love it, and I drink water all day long now.

    My next "goal" is that I have been eating way too many frozen meals for lunch - and they are packed with sodium and preservatives. I would like to try to freeze some meals, so that I have them on hand. Last week, I made individual frozen pizzas (different varieties) - I purchased the Flat Out Tortillas, and threw some toppings on... Most of them were veggie pizzas. But I did make a taco pizza and a bbq chicken pizza too - they are delicious - I know exactly what is in them - and they are low in calories. I also purchased a bag of frozen ravioli, I hope to do the same thing with that. It is also much cheaper to do it this way.

    Sorry - Long winded, as usual! :)

  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm doing pretty well. I hit 30 lbs lost this week which has been a huge motivator. I am still not working out because of this respiratory illness that will not go away and makes it just about impossible to (a 20 min workout becomes an hour due to coughing and catching my breathe).

    5 more lbs and I will finally hit my first real goal... to be under 200lbs. Then I am aiming for 180, then 160ish, and then toning. Getting under 200 will be a HUGE help and motivator for me because I have not seen those numbers in years.
  • Vegastei
    Vegastei Posts: 47 Member
    I'm doing pretty well. I hit 30 lbs lost this week which has been a huge motivator. I am still not working out because of this respiratory illness that will not go away and makes it just about impossible to (a 20 min workout becomes an hour due to coughing and catching my breathe).

    5 more lbs and I will finally hit my first real goal... to be under 200lbs. Then I am aiming for 180, then 160ish, and then toning. Getting under 200 will be a HUGE help and motivator for me because I have not seen those numbers in years.

    wow great job!!!!!!!!!!!
  • CMSfit
    CMSfit Posts: 11 Member
    My eating has been going really well - I am doing the best I can to make cleaner food choices. I am not perfect - but if I have the option - I try. I have completely given up soda (except in the occasional "mixed drink") - this was a HUGE accomplishment for me. The last few months, before I joined MFP - I soley drank soda every single day - and lots of it. Partially because I really detest water. Once I discovered how refreshing water is with ice and a lemon wedge squeezed in - I was hooked. I even add other fruits for a treat (I just freeze fresh fruit in my freezer) - Strawberries and Rhubarb are one of my favorite. I never eat the fruit when I am done - but it flavors my water perfectly. And I don't use any sweetener in it at all. Love it, and I drink water all day long now.

    My next "goal" is that I have been eating way too many frozen meals for lunch - and they are packed with sodium and preservatives. I would like to try to freeze some meals, so that I have them on hand. Last week, I made individual frozen pizzas (different varieties) - I purchased the Flat Out Tortillas, and threw some toppings on... Most of them were veggie pizzas. But I did make a taco pizza and a bbq chicken pizza too - they are delicious - I know exactly what is in them - and they are low in calories. I also purchased a bag of frozen ravioli, I hope to do the same thing with that. It is also much cheaper to do it this way.

    Sorry - Long winded, as usual! :)


    I love that fruit in the water idea! I broke down and had an orange soda Friday night because I craved a drink with flavor. I have drank nothing by coffee in the AM and water the rest of the day since I started MFP. Maybe adding some fruit in my water will curb that craving...

    The pizzas are a good idea too. I actually made some of the BBQ chicken pizzas last week, only using pita pockets instead of flat out. They were yummy and we decided we want to do regular pizzas that way too. We love the frozen ravioli too. My DH makes homemade marinara sauce that is delicious with the cheese is on our menu this week! :-)
  • CMSfit
    CMSfit Posts: 11 Member
    5 more lbs and I will finally hit my first real goal... to be under 200lbs. Then I am aiming for 180, then 160ish, and then toning. Getting under 200 will be a HUGE help and motivator for me because I have not seen those numbers in years.

    I cannot wait to celebrate that great milestone with you when you reach it!!!! You are doing an amazing job!
  • sabrinamunin
    I like the idea of walking more throughout the day at work - I've been using the printer farthest from my desk (rather than the one right behind it!) whenever possible, and trying to work in my jobs (I work at a printer, so I have lots of short-time-required jobs throughout the day) so that I need to get up in between them and hand-carry proofs to the salespeople or printed jobs to the bindery or plates to the press operators. Just getting up and down often helps a little!

    I'm doing OK - I came down with Strep last week and was super-sick for two days, but am recovered now. I still haven't gotten back into my exercise habit, though, which I desperately need to do! I broke 200 a couple weeks ago but was stuck on 198 for two weeks, but this morning had lost another pound and a half! I'm down 15 pounds since I started focusing on eating healthy and probably 25 pounds or so from my heaviest.

    Two things I am finding a little discouraging is that I don't seem to be noticeably slimmer, and while my pants are getting annoyingly loose, the next size down pants aren't quite comfy yet. They're wearable, but I don't feel like they are quite right yet. Soon they will be, I guess. Slow and steady, right? I went shopping with my sister yesterday and didn't buy anything... but saw lots of cute stuff I wish I could fit into! When I got home I pulled out a pair of pants I like that are two sizes smaller than what I'm now wearing, and I can get them on and zipped but they're obviously too small. I think I'm going to try them on every Saturday as a way of seeing what progress I'm making!
  • CMSfit
    CMSfit Posts: 11 Member
    I'm doing pretty well. I hit 30 lbs lost this week which has been a huge motivator. I am still not working out because of this respiratory illness that will not go away and makes it just about impossible to (a 20 min workout becomes an hour due to coughing and catching my breathe).

    5 more lbs and I will finally hit my first real goal... to be under 200lbs. Then I am aiming for 180, then 160ish, and then toning. Getting under 200 will be a HUGE help and motivator for me because I have not seen those numbers in years.

    You are doing great and I look forward to celebrating that first big goal with you!!!
  • CMSfit
    CMSfit Posts: 11 Member
    When I got home I pulled out a pair of pants I like that are two sizes smaller than what I'm now wearing, and I can get them on and zipped but they're obviously too small. I think I'm going to try them on every Saturday as a way of seeing what progress I'm making!

    I am one of those who yo-yo's up and down. I basically have wardrobes in three different sizes...I just want to get to and stay at a healthy weight. I think it is a great idea to gauge your weightloss on how that one pair of pants fits. That should make you feel a great sense of accomplishment at the end of each week!
  • bigpenguin570
    bigpenguin570 Posts: 52 Member
    Have lost 5 lbs. so far. Its a start and I am glad, but have no motivation to exercise. SOmedays it takes all my energy to just get through the day with being a mom of 3. I'll keep on chuggin', one day at a time!!
  • sabrinamunin
    Everyone still doing OK?

    I'm pretty pleased - I'm losing slowly but surely! And yesterday I officially started a run/walk program. I ran 30 seconds and walked 5 minutes 5 times. Well, jogged, I guess. My running pace counts as a "brisk walk" here apparently. My walking pace is "leisurely" according to MFP, despite the fact that I really can't go much faster without breaking into a jog! In any case I'm looking forward to being able to run more and more... maybe next time we go to WDW I'll be the one handed the tickets and sent to get Soarin' fastpasses first thing!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    I fell off for a bit while I had family in town. Due to having them around it was about impossible to get my workouts in and I had a lot less control over what and where I ate. I did the best I could, but it wasn't all that good. So, I maintained for a couple of week. This week I was able to get back to my workouts and my eating (though I did splurge today some). Hopefully I will be able to get back into the swing of things!
  • dmgeurts
    dmgeurts Posts: 23 Member
    Sounds like everyone is making great progress! WTG!

    I am still hanging in there. I've stopped using the scale to measure my progress, which has been very helpful - since I am working very hard to gain some muscle (and lose some fat)... In the last 30 days, I've lost 6.5" off my waist - so I am very happy with that number!

    I've also completed the 30 Day Shred, and I've started it over using heavier weights. I feel so much stronger!

  • CMSfit
    CMSfit Posts: 11 Member
    I am still hanging in there too. I did not do so well during the holiday week, but I am back at it this week. I have not weighed in almost three weeks, will do so tomorrow. I am making slower progress now, but I refuse to give up!
  • sabrinamunin
    I just had a two-week plateau, but weighed in a half-pound down this morning so hopefully things are moving again! Still working slowly on the run/walk program - I am adding in intermediate levels since it seemed to jump a little too fast for me, so instead of going from 30 seconds running at a time to one minute running at a time, I went to 45 seconds. Baby steps, but in the right direction. I'm trying to get my weight going down and my Disney trip savings going up!

    Hope everyone's still doing well!
  • corrine1973
    corrine1973 Posts: 209 Member
    So I really haven't been on hear alot in the last month but have started getting my butt back in gear. I don't want to make excuses for myself, but being sick (cough that just wouldn't go away) and it being so hot out really have played a part of me not wanting to exercise. I have erciseed again for the last three days and I must admite it feels good to be on my feet again. I have still been watching what I eat (though not as well I was before) but eating a chicken sandwich instead of a burger has still helped. Except for a week that I didn't loose anything, I have continued to loose about a pound a week. I really need to stop being such a slave to the scale. I don't know, maybe I should weigh in tomorrow and than not weigh in until the end of next month. Just went to the store and got groceries for the family including fish and broccoli for me. I keep reminding myself that just because I may have slipped a little in the last month doesn't mean I can't get back to it. 17lbs in a little over 2 1/2 months is good. :-)

    Hope everyone is doing good. Keep it up!!! I know you can do it.
  • sabrinamunin
    Sounds to me like you're doing fine - sometimes even if you do everything "right" the weight stalls for a while, but just do better, consistently, and it'll be good. Slipping a little is only a problem if you give up!

    I seem to have broken through the plateau I was in, or at least I hope so! I'm working on consistency - workouts at least 3 times a week, continuing to track everything, trying to eat healthier but letting myself give in one day a week but only if I really, really want it.

    Those pants I've been trying on every Saturday? I think I might wear them to work next week! They're size 16, and I had been mostly wearing size 20! I wore another pair of size 16 jeans (JEANS!) yesterday. My 20's and 22's are nearly falling off and I have to keep hauling them up with every step. Time to shop in the closet, and maybe go treat myself to a new shirt and pants.

    I also just added more to my Disney trip fund... I think I'm about a third of the way to being able to afford a trip. Maybe next Fall!