Let's just Chat - What's on your mind?

Hi gang. I found today to be quite exhausting, my energy level just didn't come up at all. But I still stayed true to the plan. So I feel pretty happy about that. My daughters live out of town and are feeling bad that they won't see their dad this weekend for Fathers' Day so they've asked me to surprise him tomorrow at his work. He's a drywaller. They want me to bring Pizza and Beer there so he can have a little celebration with his work buddies. I think I'll pick up a bouquet of balloons too. They want me to take pictures and send them with my phone. I hope it comes together. Anyway, like I said before, I'm pooped out but I want to try and stay up. I live right near Niagara Falls and Nik Wallenda is walking the tight rope across in a couple of hours. They say it's history in the making so I want to watch it. Well, thanks my friends for letting me blabber on ... what's on your mind?



  • That sounds great! I have never been out east, but sure wish I could visit Niagra falls one day. It looks beautiful! Are you in the US or Canada? Sounds like a great thing to do for dad for Fathers Day. Pizza and beer, what else could a guy want !

    My nephew is having a graduation party today, then we have another one later this evening. I am going to try and be good, but I know I will be having some good food and going to have me a few beers too... If I am over calories today I will just make up for it this week.. Just the beer alone will put me over. But, im just going to enjoy the day with family and friends. I am making some cream cheese rhubarb bars (rhubarb from my garden) to bring to the grad party, hope they turn out.

    Have a great weekend everyone !

  • RCIA
    RCIA Posts: 14
    I have so much weight to lose. I am so trying to eat well and less. I want to be healthy not looking to wear a bikini but for once I would like to not have to worry about being the biggest lady in the group.Fathers Day is coming up and its like oh no another challange to get thru. I just find I lose the weight and gain it back this time if I have to write in here for the rest of my life I will keep this weight off. I could build another me with all the weight I lost and gained:))) Ok thats what was on my small mind for today. I wish I lost more this week but 1 pound gone is one pound gone right:))) Thanks for letting me ramble on :))
  • justme0362
    justme0362 Posts: 38
    Hello again my friends ... well the Father's Day surprise got ruined. My hubby decided to skip the afternoon job and just come home so I set up the 24 slice pizza, 20 wings, case of beer, box of cookies, and balloons in the garage for when he got home. He loved it ... but that's too much food for one guy LOL. Oh well, he'll meet his family at the park tomorrow to play horseshoes like he does every Sunday and they can all enjoy the food that's left :)
  • justme0362
    justme0362 Posts: 38
    Loving this beautiful summer day ... and loving my new elliptical trainer too :happy:
  • Dot2Dots
    Dot2Dots Posts: 137 Member
    Ladies, I need your help !!

    My niece who just turned 15 is turning into a troubled teen. I am seriously worried for her. She has started hanging out with the wrong crowd of kids, lying to her parents & being a smart butt. She is very much into herself, taking what I would call inappropriate pics in scantily clad tops and posting them on FB. Her parents are at their wits ends with her, her dad literally smashed her cell with his workboots, they have talked with her endlessly about her behavior & yet it goes in one ear and out the other.

    What do you do to handle an unruly teen ? I am seriously afraid for her...

    Thanks for imput.

  • Gosh that sounds like a tricky situation. I don't really have any experience but I do remember that age and being talked at and shouted at made me want to rebel even more. Obviously it's emotive but rather than break her phone which'll just anger her and close her ears to sense - can they listen to her? Maybe there's underlying issues, self-esteem ie the pictures may make her feel good about herself, bullying at school, wanting attention, not feeling respected, all of these things are so complicated when you're young.

    You sound like a fabulous caring aunt :)- maybe you two could go out the day, do something fun and relaxed - have a chat and she might open up to you without her parents there? Calm conversation, where she feels listened too might help her to see her behaviour is not respecting and putting no value on herself. Make her feel strong about herself - I wish I had been more so when I was younger, I think a sense of self-worth at that age gives you the courage to go against your peers and be your own person. Best of luck with it all Dot - hope your niece comes through this.

    Shep x
  • LovinLifeChik
    LovinLifeChik Posts: 126 Member
    Ladies, I need your help !!

    My niece who just turned 15 is turning into a troubled teen. I am seriously worried for her. She has started hanging out with the wrong crowd of kids, lying to her parents & being a smart butt. She is very much into herself, taking what I would call inappropriate pics in scantily clad tops and posting them on FB. Her parents are at their wits ends with her, her dad literally smashed her cell with his workboots, they have talked with her endlessly about her behavior & yet it goes in one ear and out the other.

    What do you do to handle an unruly teen ? I am seriously afraid for her...

    Thanks for imput.


    I am not a Mother myself, but am actually going through something similar with one of my best friends daughter. She started a few years ago - sassing her parents very badly, smoking and drinking, lying, and the same questionable photos on FB. I lover her Mother, but she while she has tried many things to bring her under control - she has done nothing about the FB posts, and often says "well, how were you when you were that age". I can tell you - my father would have beat me with a stick if I went out in some of the clothes these girls wear today, and it would never even have crossed my mind to speak to ANY adult in that kind of disrespectful manner.

    I try not to push too much - since I am not the parent! But as the parent's best friend - you can bet that I get a plug in every once and a while to the daughter about being disrespectful to her parents and to herself. But I swear, it's a constant challenge! And you can bet when I see kids that act respectfully, have a great work ethic - I thank their parents for giving me hope for the future!!

  • justme0362
    justme0362 Posts: 38
    Ladies, I need your help !!

    My niece who just turned 15 is turning into a troubled teen. I am seriously worried for her. She has started hanging out with the wrong crowd of kids, lying to her parents & being a smart butt. She is very much into herself, taking what I would call inappropriate pics in scantily clad tops and posting them on FB. Her parents are at their wits ends with her, her dad literally smashed her cell with his workboots, they have talked with her endlessly about her behavior & yet it goes in one ear and out the other.

    What do you do to handle an unruly teen ? I am seriously afraid for her...

    Thanks for imput.


    Awe Dot; that seriously sucks. My BFF's son got into some trouble with his choices around the same age. They don't realize that they're still kids even though they feel they're adults. I think if teens took the time to think about what they're doing to the others who love them they might think twice about it, but they really are a self absorbed generation. I remember talking it over with my BFF and it was so hard on her. She said that she had raised him for 15 years so far and she prayed that she had taught him what was right and what was wrong. She said if he was going to be making grown up decisions then he would have to live with the grown up consequences. It honestly took years for him to one day say, wow mom, you were right. It really is a hard situation but as long as you let your niece know that you don't like the choices she's making but that you love her and you'll be there if she needs you. Hopefully she learned enough from her parents and other good influences to be morally right then this phase will pass and she'll come to her senses. I'm sorry you're all going through this. I hope it all works out in the end. Apparently I went through this when I was between 13 and 16 (not the FB part, no computer crap back then), I guess I was a little partying flirt, my mom kept trying to tell me about the consequences. She said she finally had to give it to God. Now I'm not sure if I believe in God (my mom must have just turned in her grave if she heard that from me) but I do believe there is some kind of higher force and when things just plainly get too much for me to handle I will visualize myself handing it to some higher power to take care of it because there's nothing at all I can really do. It seems to help me.