


  • JensQi
    JensQi Posts: 169 Member
    Hey, I'm Aresa. I'm 24 & my goal is to lose at least 10 pounds by August. I'm going home to see my family & introducing them to my boyfriend so that's going to be very nerve wrecking for me. He's met my mom & grandmother before & my aunt & they love him, but now it's time for him to meet the boys of the family. We are going to be at the beach most of the time & I really want to get my stomach flatter and prettier looking lol ;-). I just love communities like this that helps out each other & I look forward to all of us doing well on our journey together :-D
    Same Goals Girl..;o) I want to lose 10lbs by September 1st, If I make before then great!:drinker: :heart: Cheers
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    Hi, guys! I'm Bonnie, a 5'2" young 58-year-old. I grew up in Massachusetts, and have lived in NH for more than 20 years. I'm a mother of two, with one stepdaughter, too. I have one biological grandchild, and three grandchildren by love. I was laid off two years ago, and have had a few temporary jobs, but haven't made a great effort to go back to work. I enjoy being retired! (That will end soon, though.)

    I never saw 112 pounds until I was pregnant with my first child. Since then, I've been either overweight or obese.

    My husband (an athlete from way back) has also gained weight since our marriage five years ago. We recently joined an athletic club, and happily we chose the right one! The club offers a fairly new program, currently only available at about 6 clubs, all in NH. We joined the 90 Day Commit to Get Fit program, and "graduated" last night.

    Commit to Get Fit is 13 weekly meetings, which last for 2 hours. The first hour we discussed nutrition -- many aspects of it. We learned how to eat right (low glycemic), shop, go to restaurants ... The second hour we were introduced to exercise -- an introduction to how to properly lift weights, an introductory yoga class, an introduction to a Body Combat class, an introduction to Body Pump class, etc. Partway through the program, our coach introduced us to My Fitness Pal.

    Unfortunately, I was unable to participate in the exercise portion of the program. because, at the end of the first week, I was on the treadmill, and had a stress fracture in my knee. I had some complications, and ended up with a blood clot (deep vein thrombosis) in my calf. As a result of the fracture and clot, I was having problems walking, and was sent to physical therapy. I go twice a week and have had 4 sessions.

    I am happy to report that I am working hard, and am gaining strength AND confidence. I was able to get rid of the cane last week! (Although I am still wearing a leg brace most of the time ... and ugly granny support knee stockings. Not fun when it's 100 degrees!)

    On March 27, I weighed 175 pounds. This morning I weighed in at 158!

    I am doing some water aerobic classes, recumbent bike, cross-country skier, and my PT Homework -- leg and core strengthening exercises.

    I'm glad to have found this challenge, to help me keep on task. Thank you!!! :smile:
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    Hi my name is Asylin. I will be turning 30 in November and would like to be as close to my goal weight as possible by then. The thing is, I'm ok with turning 30 but I'm not ok with how I'm looking and feeling right now. I took dance lessons for 16 years and never had any trouble being 5'7" and weighing 120 pounds. I've only been overweight since I had my son 5 1/2 years ago. I just couldn't lose the weight afterwards. My co-workers and I decided to try a Biggest Loser challenge at work a few weeks ago. Every Tuesday we weigh in and it ends at the end of July (the same time as this challenge). I've been doing very well and have lost 6 pounds since we started, but the past couple of days I've been having cravings and although I've resisted, it's starting to get very hard for me. I'm so glad I came across this Accountability Challenge because I think it will be the extra push I need to stay on track. Hope everyone has a good weigh-in tomorrow! Good luck to everyone!
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    hello ladies. my name is Katie. I am a single mom of a 10 year old daughter . I am also a college freshman. my workous vary from walk away the pounds to Gold's gym cardio work out. may try dancing as a work out even though I seem to have 2 right feet.
    I am left handed by the way.

    If you have a Wii......I would suggest getting the game "Just Dance". It's so much fun and you can do it in the privacy of your home so having two right feet doesn't matter. :)