How its going to work... PLEASE READ!

Nicola1944 Posts: 348 Member
Hi everyone....

Firstly let me say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has joined. Im loving how motivated you all are and enjoying reading everyones post's and threads! :)

This is my 3rd time running a group, and iv found we do better in a team!!

Ok, so there are no 'rules' as such, but i do have 1 thing to ask you to do.....

Every friday from the 22nd June - 27th July... I will post a thread for our weights... PLEASE ONLY LOG ON THE ONE I CREATE AND DO NOT CREATE YOUR OWN. The reason im asking this is so i can keep an eye on everyone's loss in one place and im not having to trawl through lots of threads to find them... Then it will make it easier for me to announce the overall winner (highest loss) at the end of the challenge!

I hope you all have fun & enjoy the challenge, thanks to the users who have already added me, if anyone else needs extra support add me or other members of the group.

Remember we're in this together! :)

Good luck everyone!!....... :drinker:

