Introducing Myself - Olivia

My DH and I have been TTC for 17 months and no luck. I finally found a good doctor who was happy to run a ton of tests on me in April and we discovered I am the poster child for PCOS. I didn't even know what it was! It feels good to have an answer and to be attacking it the best we can. I have worked my way up to 2000mg of Metformin a day now in the last 6 weeks. The first month was a bit rough getting used to it but I am golden now. Working out, eating clean, and started working as a waitress which burns a heck of a lot of calories!

I started at 198 in December and have worked my way down to 178. My goal is to get down to 160 by September 1st. That is a nice weight for me (size 6/8) and I feel good in my skin at that size. I am not drinking anymore and have gone gluten-free which has worked miracles on my health so far (no more migraines!). I will be starting clomid in September once I have lost the extra weight. I am staying optimistic that the metformin, working out, and clean eating will make for a healthy pregnancy down the road!

Look forward to getting to know everyone!