
Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
HELLO! I have been on MFP and I love it! I Love the encouragement, I love the friends I have met (both in AZ in person and on the site from all over the world) and I love the easiness of tracking ones calories on mobile devices, laptops, ipads, etc. I have lost 20 pounds on this site, reset my ticker and am now going for the last 20ish pounds! Those last pounds are stubborn which is why i am going for the "Slow and steady" lifestyle change! I invite you to join me!

WORKOUTS: I don't care what you do, in fact, I want you take this time to figure out what you LIKE... no LOVE doing. Something that you can't live without! For me, that is Turbo Fire! I love it and no matter what other workouts I do, I always come back to it! My game plan for working out is to do what I want, as long as it's burning calories, intense and I get it done.

I will be doing mostly cardio, but of course adding in some strength training, and always doing some flexibility as it helps progress your other workouts. I love barre, yoga and pilates, biking, hiking, dancing, and dancing/jumping around! LOL

If you need any advice on workouts, just ask! I have numerous dvds, almost all of the Beachbody workouts, and have my own channel on Youtube where I have MANY workouts on there for free! :D In fact, you can just search various workouts on youtube, you'd be amazed at what is on there!

So, I hope some of join me and we can be an inspiration/support for each other!
I leave you with this: Do What You Love and let's work at being FIT FOR LIFE! :)

“If you try something and it doesn't work, try something else. If you're injured, switch gears and focus on another aspect of your fitness until you heal. Never stop searching for the right workout and schedule until you create exactly what works for you. When you find it, don't be swayed by fads, the opinion of others or even the experts. Doing what you love is the surest way to ensure you will be fit for life.” –Liz Neporent, a spokesperson for the American Council on Exercise and author of Fitness for Dummies, 4th edition


  • lvnnena
    lvnnena Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you so much for starting this group! I started really focusing on making a change and losing weight this past January after hitting my highest weight of 217 Ibs.! I currently am at 173 Ibs. now and my goal is to get to 150 by end of the year! I love the fact that you emphasised losing weight at a slow and steady pace! I recently turned 30 this year and I made a promise to myself that I am not going to live my life accepting being overweight. It's to heavy a burden and source of insecurity and I'm ready to change to better myself. But I knew that it wasn't going to be quick, so I've been being patient with myself in hopes of losing little at a time so my body will learn how to eat healthier and I won't gain weight back by doing some funky crash dieting or something. I love the message that you are putting out there! It's super encouraging and I can't wait to see us all reach our goals! I agree this is a change for the better a change for a healthier life!!!! :)
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    :heart: IVENNA! You are most certainly welcome! Awesome goal! Just keep chipping away at it and you will get there! Just think of how much have lost and know that if you did it to shed those pounds, you can do it for the remaining pounds too! This is a mental journey as well, and it sounds like you are in the right mindset! AWESOME! :D Hey, I just turned 30 too! :):flowerforyou:
  • Hi Im so excited to be here!! My current weight is 157 and my goal weight is 105. I know this is going to take alot of dedication!! I started out at 169. So Ive done ok so far! I am 29 years old and Have 3kids and a wonderful husband that Ive been married to for 12 years!! I want to be healthy for me and them! I was always small till I started having kids lol I stayed 105 till my first child..and have been unhealhy ever since..Im ready to gain my life back! Im 4'11 and weight does not look r feel good on me,,,Im so ready!!:wink:
  • Hi! This is my first group and I wasn't really looking for one, but after reading your guys intro I think it will be a nice group to join. I just turned 30 in May and have a three year old son. I gained weight slowly after high school until I had gone from 115 to 140. Then I gained another 60 pounds during my pregnancy. I am down to 139 now, but it has been a very slow process for me. I'm tired of it being 20 pounds a year and I'm hoping that by joining a group I'll get the final 20ish gone by the end of the year.

    My real goal I think is to not need another New Years Resolution!!!

    My workouts change. I did a lot of Jeri love's get ripped 1000 and the dvd right after that. I lost a good amount of weight when I was doing those almost everyday. But I got bored and wanted to change it up so I tried to take up running but ended up injuring my leg. So after a long break of not doing anything I got the Insanity workout and did that for 6 1/2 weeks before re-injuring my leg again. Lately I have been doing a lot of all day hiking and have made it a point to do one every other week. I am going to be adding another 2 days a week of hiking a 5 mile loop in some local hills. and I'm trying to do an insanity video 2-3 times a week.

    I'm looking forward to reaching our goals together!!! Good luck everyone!!!
  • riouxt
    riouxt Posts: 104 Member
    Hi there. Well, that sucks. I'm the oldie! Just turned 40 this year. Would like to lose about 45 lbs but to be real I would be happy with a 35 lb loss. I know I need to take it slow this time and I'm doing my best to eat a bit more and not starve myself because I know I will only gain it back and more. I'd like to look smoking for next Easter as we are going on a hot holiday with a bunch of friends and I want to wear a bikini and own it. ;)

    I absolutely love group weightlifting classes. Or any classes with crazy motivational and pumping music. I also *gulp* have developed a love of running. I had always hated it, avoided it and found excuses not to do it until Biggest Loser came along and motivated me to TRY it. Have done many 5 kms but last year set a goal and did two 10km races and 2 half marathons. This year I'm scaling back and have down a 5km and plan on a half marathon again in Sept.

    Want to lose weight to be faster and more fit. Seems like some nice people here. Thanks for starting this thread, Kim. :)
  • taniaxkoi
    taniaxkoi Posts: 18
    Hey :)

    Never been good with writing these things, but here it goes! I just found this group and joined as it seems very positive and fun! I'm 19 and currently at 168lbs, but for me height that's classed as overweight, and as summer is upon me, I'm trying to loose 5lbs by July 27th at the least which is achievable! However I've like to get to 155lbs by November/December time, but if I don't, then I'll keep going!

    I don't exercise regularly as I'm a bit of a lazy bones, but I'm determined to drop a dress size at the very least! I'm trying to keep to my calorie goal as well, which I'm finding hard some days, but then I end up dancing for a while to get some calories back!!

    I'd like to lose the weight so I feel better about myself :) Keep going everyone!! x
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    My name is Bidget, I have 4 kids ( 15,12,6, and 1 year) and married to my first and only love!
    I only recently had a "weight problem" after having my last baby, (also quit smoking )and getting Hashimoto's thyroiditis- an auto immune disorder when your body attacks your thyroid and kills it off -causing you to be hypo and take meds forever.
    I love fitness, my weakness is eating sweets! My goals are to keep track off what I am eating, and exercise 5 days a week ( since the kids got out of school its been hard to stay on my scedule)
    I have done a lot of JM, and beachbody DVD's , also pilates for core strength....i have a Bowflex and free weights but cut back a little because Im not losing and wanted to do more cardio for now-which I do not like !
    I havent lost weight in 9 months , only some inches....
    I hope to lose a few lb and get my body harder for the winter months....
  • sageskye
    sageskye Posts: 44 Member
    Hi everyone it is nice to meet you!

    I am 41 years old, so no worries riouxt you are no longer the oldest :)

    I am married to a great guy and am the mama of two amazing little girls ages 2 and 6. Being overweight never used to be an issue for me and through my teens and early twenties I tried to gain weight (and as they always say be careful what you wish for :wink:) . Girls seemed to be much curvier when I was a teen and in my early twenties and being only 5’2” and underweight made it very difficult to find clothes that fit. I spent most of university shopping in the children’s department and back then kids clothes weren’t as cute as they are now! I was also very active; played tennis and biked for hours, went to the gym to hang out with friends, spent lots of time hiking, walking on the beach and swimming.

    Flash forward many years – I had some complications during both my pregnancies which put me on bed rest (over 4 months during my last pregnancy). Combine that with a broken tailbone after both deliveries (taking almost a year of recovery each time) and lots of problems with allergies/asthma which results in lots of prescription steroids and you get one very flabby and out of shape woman!

    So here I am, overweight, no energy and desperately wanting to not only keep up with my girls, but to be a good role model too. It is time for me get healthy! I am expecting that it will be slow going in the weight loss department but I am not going to let that stop me. I am in it for the long haul and I am determined to have lots of fun doing it :happy: :happy:
  • Hello! I have been using MFP for almost 3 months, and I need some friends to help motivate me. I would love to see what everyone is doing on the "recent news" tracker. Do you think that joining a group will automatically register you all as my friends?

    I am 42, married, and the Mom of two great kids. I am a teacher-librarian and just today off work for the summer...woot woot!

    When I started with MFP I weighed 190. I have been up and down a bit since then, but at 184 today. My goal is to get healthy and fit. I need to get down to at least 150' but 140 would be better.

    In June of 2013, we wll be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary with a trip to Hawaii. I want my new healthy lifestyle to show!

    Here is to all of us slow and steady "turtles"!

  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I am 32 years old, started MFP back in August of 2011, lost 27 lb. my goal was 28 lb lost. I was so close!! I gained 10 lb back. I really want to work at those 10 lb and not only that, want to stay at my goal weight this time. I am a pretty big exercise fanatic, i workout about 5-6x a week for about 30-45 minutes. My goal is to continue doing that, mostly cardio but also do some strength training on my non cardio days.

    My main focus here is my diet. I am giving up sweets starting today. I will name these items so that I have no excuse: sodas (including diet), candy, chocolate (allowing for diet chocolate since it is in a lot of protein bars), cookies, brownies, cake, etc. Basically anything that is pretty much devoid of any nutritional value but has calories.

    I feel like once i do this and stick to 3 meals a day I will do a lot better. I lost 27 at one point, I can definitely get these 10 off!
  • tdamaska
    tdamaska Posts: 43 Member
    Hello everyone!!

    I have had no motivation to exercise at all, let alone eat the way I know I should. Woke up this morning with it on my mind, so here goes nothing. I don't have anything to lose, except pounds!! I must admit, I have sweet teeth. Not just one tooth, but all my teeth crave the sweetness of yummy delights. No more cutting them out completely, but only allowing myself to have a serving once a week! One day at a time and no specific number goals...and in the end, I will be happier, healthier and thinner!!

    My story...I lost about 50 pounds about a year and a half ago and then I just stopped. I remember the day I decided I was going to stop counting and analyzing everything I put in my mouth. That's the day I started gaining it all back. Sure there were some weeks I would do better than others, but then it was back to the "old fat me." That is not who I want to be, nor the example I want to set. Here's to fresh beginnings!

    One tip that always works for me is finding an inspiration outfit for the holidays. Looking at that everyday will make all the difference, especially knowing that come that time of year, I'll be wearing it!!

    Good luck everyone and we can do this!!
  • doziemom
    doziemom Posts: 13
    Hi All,

    This looks like it will be a great group! This is my 2nd week on MFP,I am 32 years, but I am no newbie to the weight loss thing. Started young in
    in my teen years. DONE IT ALL. I have yo -yoed between 150 and 190 for years. I have been happliy married for almost three years
    and we have our "son" Doize, he is an english bull dog that is our pride and joy. I am currtently 186. 5'5. My gaol is to be happliy between 145 and 150lbs for the rest of my life. My problem has never been losing the weigth, I can be very disaplined when I want to, but when it comes to maintaining I get lost. This site seem like a missing link for me. I would love the support from all of you and I can do the same.:flowerforyou:

    I have done all types of exercising. I love classes but I am not part of a gym any longer. But I always come back to walking, I love it, wether it be on my tredmill or taking "lazy" dozie for a walk, it works for me. I am trying to start steght traing but I have an old injury In both my wrist, I still baby. So need some ideas for this.

    I am looking forward to this Holiday season, I will turn 33 in December, Would love to feel confident for this. Good luck to us all, For a happy- Healthy Holiday Season!
  • ice99706
    ice99706 Posts: 155 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm 48, 5'7" and was 238 at my heaviest, I started tracking what I eat on an app called Noom, and lost 10#. Then my daughter found MFP. I joined in January and have lost 20# since joining, for a total of 30# since October. I love that I can plug in my own recipes and get a calorie count for my native foods.

    I have a pretty busy civic life that can lead to irregular exercise. I travel frequently for meetings and end up sitting for long periods of time. I live in rural Alaska and do not have a gym nearby but, I travel to the city at least once a month (sometimes for a week at a time) so, I joined gym near my mothers that I try to utilize as often as possible. It also has locations in a couple of towns that my kids play hockey in (I am looking forward using it to this coming season).

    I am hoping that this group will help me stay motivated and on track. I'm looking forward to a great year.
  • AmelodyAngel
    AmelodyAngel Posts: 152 Member
    My name is Angel! I am 5'2 and 190 pounds! :( Very obese. This happened gradually over the years due to um employment and married life. I have finally decided to make a lifestyle change because I want to be happy with me. I have an intense relationship with food that I have to make. I am chained down by it. I can never resist everything bad for me and on top of that I am lazy as hell. I often struggle with making myself work out, especially when I am in a mood. So that is my biggest struggle and I am working on breaking this addiction, dependency I have with food and laziness. Any tips are all welcomed! I look forward to loosing with you all! I can not wait for that day! :)
  • Okay... So I'm definitely the biggest one here. I'm 27 years old, 5'6" and 279.4 (as of this morning.) I've been on the bigger side since 4th grade but this last year I went through a difficult pregnancy where I ended up with low thyroid (which I still have) and gestational diabetes (which thankfully went away.) It's been 8 months since I've done much in the way of working out or dieting (besides diet for GD) and I've been back at it for about 2.5 days now. Tiny little start but I have to stick with it this time.

    I really need to improve my health and habits and yes my looks by December. My husband's mom (who lives in Hawaii) sent us tickets to come visit her and meet all of the extended family this December. I'm excited because I've never been there but it also means I have to meet a lot of new people while wearing "summer" clothes in less than less than 6 months! Oh and we're supposed to be doing quite a bit of hiking while we are there too! Eeek!
  • Hi my name is Wanda I am 46 yrs old, 5'4" and weigh 289 lbs . I am a mom of four kids ages 26, 21, 4 and 3 the two youngest keep me busy. I am married to a long haul truck driver so many nights home alone eating junk food has not helped. My goal is to be ultimately around 150 but for now I am looking for my first 20 lbs loss.

    I live in rural Nebraska so a gym is not an option and being a stay at home mom whom has no family in the area makes it difficult to get out. Recently my oldest son and his wife has moved in with us in order to get on their feet they were having it extremely difficult and thus they now live with us. Both of them are working and i am their transportation so I am tied up most of the time with driving.

    I started gaining weight with my oldest but lost it and kept it off for years but then a bad marriage and a messy divorce and 2 very difficult pregnancies after the age of 40 ( on bed rest for 6 months with the first one) I ballooned to the highest weight i have ever been.

    For the last three years i have been yo-yo dieting and it has made things much worse than it ever was but now i am trying to make a lifestyle change and with luck and determination I can do it.

    I know i did not put this weight on over night and i know it will take a good while to remove the weight but i am determined i can do it with small and reasonable goals.

    My biggest form of exercise is my WWII i have several programs and i switch them about in order to keep variety in my life.

    I look forward to the encouragement that a group can bring and I look forward to encouraging all to continue on their jouney...............By the way it looks like i am now the oldest and heaviest of the group but not for long i intend to change that lol (The heaviest part i mean)
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Kim also. Thanks for starting this group Kim!! It seems like it will be an awesome group! :happy:

    Well a little about me. My heaviest weight was 250 when I was 9 months preggers w/ my 1st born. After I had her I lost some of the baby weight but was still hovering around 200 lbs. for a couple years. Then I had my son and didn't gain as much so I was 235 when I had him. Still after I had him I was in the 200's for awhile b/4 I realized that I wanted to do something about it. Denial was an easy thing to be in....then you see a pic of yourself and think WOW I look so heavy! So I stumbled across this site over a year ago (March of 2011) and I started out at 215 and wearing a size 20 pants. I am 5'4. Since joining MFP I have logged in almost every day and have lost 60 lbs. and am a size 12. I love being able to fit into old clothes from when I first met my hubby 10 years ago! I want to lose 20 more to get down to 135 which is what I weighed in high school! I still have my old prom dress and it would be awesome to fit into it for my after pic! :happy:

    I loved reading everyone's introductions! Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend for support!
  • afgivens4
    afgivens4 Posts: 117
    Hello everyone. It was good to read all the introductions and get a glimpse into all the ones that I will be talking to along the way to a healtheir lifestyle.
    I just joined MFP last month to try and get some control over my eating habits and weight. I am a single mom of four kids ages between 9 - 16. I work nights and spend the days with my kids.
    I am looking for any suggestions that might jumpstart my weight loss, other than just going to the gym... I dont have the time or money.....
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi :) So great to see everyone here and read your stories. Thanks for sharing!

    A little about my MFP life: 3 years ago this month I started a new healthy lifestyle. I've kept off 50 pounds, and with the help of my MFP friends, stayed motivated and on task more often than not. I'm always looking for new things to try. I'm thinking it might be time to actually join a gym soon and learn how to really lift weights. Other things I'm exploring include kayaking and lap swimming - just to shake things up a bit. Running, walking my dog, zumba and DVDs at home have been my main tricks this far. :)
  • ljk72
    ljk72 Posts: 2
    Hi! My name is Laura. I have struggled with weight all of my life. I have 100 lbs to lose so hopefully this group can help me stay motivated. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you. :smile: