Embarrassing CF moments?!

rainbos Posts: 75 Member
I have this embarrassing problem, but I can laugh about it. I seriously have workouts so hard sometimes that I realized afterwards I peed on myself. This happens with box jumps and jump ropes. No surprise with all the slamming going on that my bladder can't keep it together. With all the sweating going on, no one notices. LOL. Anyway, IT'S ALL WORTH IT!!!!


  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    it's a regular joke between us gals at the box. even for the girls who never had children. I will always use the restroom before the WOD starts :laugh: PS - getting all sweaty anyway, no one can tell the difference between pee and sweat - hahah
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    90% of the women at my box have had kids, it's a common problem :)
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    ...and I was thinking maybe it was just me who put as much effort into keeping my bladder under control when doing double unders as I do into actually jumping over the rope :ohwell:
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member

    best pin I have ever pinned.
  • rainbos
    rainbos Posts: 75 Member
    HA! Thanks for the laugh!
  • rla099
    rla099 Posts: 66 Member
    haha. this makes me feel better. I just had my first kid and i HATE job roping bc of the pee. hahaha. yeeesss!
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    I have had 3 kids, jumping is a scary prospect. However I am not allowed to jump so, WHEW!