Tour de France discussion thread



  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Well - today's stage - first "minor mountains" stage has certainly mixed things up a little - as the old saying goes - "it's not the kind of stage you can win the tour on, but its definitely one that you can loose it on"

    Spartacus is out of yellow sadly - though not unexpectedly, and it has to be said, Wiggins and Froome did look fairly comfortable with a pace that managed to crack some of the potential contenders... Denis Menchov @ 50s behind Froome, Frank Schleck @ 1-09 and Samuel Sanchez @ 1-30.

    I reckon Jurgen Van den Broeck did a mans job getting back to around 2:00 after shipping his chain with 10k to go - but i'm thinking that Scarponi @2-05 Gesink and Bassoo @ 2-53 and Leipheimer @ 3-11 may as well take the next bus after Hejsdahl...

    Evans is looking his usual self though - tough little bugger - I never fail to be amazed at his capacity to suffer and keep going, and Nibali wasn't exactly looking out of the picture either!

    Ooooh I love the hilly stages. Probably because I'm fundamentally unsuited for climbing myself, and just enjoy marvelling at the people that can.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Oh no... Here we go again...

    TdF Breaking News "Cofidis hotel raided, Di Grégorio arrested at Tour de France"

    On the Tour de France first rest day, police officers and gendarmes of the French Central Office against Environmental Damage and Public Health (OCLAESP) have raided a hotel in Bourg-en-Bresse, where French team Cofidis were staying. They have taken Rémy Di Grégorio into custody, at the demand of a Marseille investigating judge who is currently working on a doping-related case. In Marseille, two persons have also been arrested in the case, which was reportedly opened last year.

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Oh dear, comes from Astana (Team Transfusion/Dodgy Steak) and moves to Cofidis (where Millar was riding for when he was caught!) How long before the muckrakers get onto the case that Wiggo used to ride for Cofidis in 2007 when they pulled out after Moreni was busted ??
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Couple of monster Cat 1 climbs in today's route. Do we have any Cat 1 climbs in the UK; Box hill?
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Problem is a CAT1 climb is a bit of a moveable feast. Probably the biggest you'd get in the UK is the Bealach na Bà -à
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    Tacks on the road? really? That's criminal!!!!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    from the way he's ridden this year, I wouldn't say it had been particularly performance enhancing...

    probably Bruyneel spiking his food/drink to make it cheaper than paying him off at the end of the year.
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    probably Bruyneel spiking his food/drink to make it cheaper than paying him off at the end of the year.

    This made me laugh. Apparently the salary issues weren't over salary but over payments for using their image. Very weird stuff. Now the scuttlebutt is Schlecks are going to Astana. Crazy.

    So, who is going to win the TT?
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    So, who is going to win the TT?
    Wiggins again I guess. Awesome sprint finish by Cav' today - just watched it on Sky+ box :wink:
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    Alright, who is going to win in Paris? I am hoping for Farrar, but probably will be Sagan or Greipel or Cav...
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Cavendish - never in doubt - he's been "on a mission" for his 4th consecutive win on the champs all year !
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Sky smashed the whole tour IMHO - 1st & 2nd in the GC. Two Brit's as well! British Cycling is on the up, big style!

    Just hope the team stay together now & there isn't too much upheaval!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    wouldn't be surprised if Murdoch pulled sponsorship at end of the 5 year period, they've already done what they set out to - best they can do is "same again", and eventually get bad press by not winning. Call me an old cynic, but corkscrew rupert isn't the kind of bloke to put that kind of money into something that isn't returning GREAT press.

    I wonder if anyone's been offered a riding contract with Sky that goes past 2014... hmmmm....