Rewind Saturday Challenge

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Since no one read or commented on this one I am repeating it! Ha!

Today, I saw a sign at the stop-light, while looking around saw the WENDY'S restaurant sign say 'EAT BETTER LATER'
I instantly became upset! How dare you say that and play mind games with people! Wow the mind tricks and subliminal messages we get! This is why even though tedious and boring we must plan, carry snacks or know what we will get healthy if we go to Wendy's!
Challenge: Don't fall for the games!



  • Sptwoman
    Sptwoman Posts: 77 Member
    Yes, planning is the answer to my success. That's what makes it so hard. My life is so busy now but I am making it happen!
  • kimberly3555
    kimberly3555 Posts: 9 Member
    This may have nothing to do with Wendy's, but..and I am a fan....but you can no longer order a grilled chicken on lettuce anymore at any fast food restaurant. They all come with the tortillas sprinkles, cheese, and everything anti-diet. And how dare we order grilled pay three times more for healthy than you do for dollar menus.
  • kayakinggrrl
    kayakinggrrl Posts: 101 Member
    And the marketing at the grocery store is just as bad. Every time I make it past the Little Debbie Snack Cake the end of the store, eye level, near check out aisle...I feel like I've made a small victory.
  • katicasi82
    katicasi82 Posts: 121 Member
    I am totally against processed food, in Europe we have stringent regulations concerning foodstuffs and yet I think there should more legislation regarding both the foodstuffs themselves and the way in which they are advertised.