You can do it!

dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
One of the things I love most about the Leslie Sansone workouts (recorded or live), is that anyone can do them. It doesn't matter what your fitness level is because the movements are not complicated and you can go at your own pace. There are so many success stories about folks who couldn't get through a mile, and now are able to accomplish things they never thought they would. Once I had a lady in a Walk Live class that kept up for a while, but had to take breaks and sit. When she sat, she didn't stop! She kept her feet tapping and moving - she was an inspiration. As is a lady in my current class who, 10 weeks ago, didn't own a pair of sneakers and lasted 10 minutes her first class. She is hanging in there the whole time now, doing Leslie DVDs on her own, and those sneakers are getting worn out! And she has been losing weight. So encouraging!!! (Note: Of course making sure that the exercise is ok with a doctor...)

Is this YOU? Either at the beginning, or enjoying success? Would LOVE to hear about it!!!


  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 237
    Yup, I am a leslie Sansone fanatic!!! I just bought her new one, and I am really giddy over popping it in, and trying it out.
    Here DVD's are addicting..... I am right now waiting my dh to set up the dvd player in the garage , so I can get my work out on!! hehe :)
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Which new one did you get?
  • princessf1
    princessf1 Posts: 495 Member
    Yep, me too, a certified Leslie addict. I think I now have like 19 of her DVD's. LOL I use and love every single one of them. I started walking with Leslie last February 2011 and have walked off 46 lbs to date. She keeps me inspired and motivated and don't ever plan to stop. I think my first one was Walk Slim 3 miles and it just about killed me - LOL.