I was SURE I was Preg

So we were only trying to conceive for a couple months but I seriously had every symptom you could imagine!!
Then one day they stopped. I took 2 home tests both BFN :(
I am expecting AF tomorrow so only time will tell but in the meantime I have decided that its time to really crack down and get healthy. I have gained 50 pounds in the last year and have never been this heavy EVER.


  • philly1980
    philly1980 Posts: 25 Member
    I found that when you are trying to conceive that those 2 weeks after ovulating but before your period are a killer! You seriously start to analyse everything you feel wondering if you could be pregnant :) Best thing to do is promise yourself that you'll only take home tests 2 days after your missed period otherwise you could find the $$ add up!

    Good luck with the weight loss and conception!
  • vacamama
    vacamama Posts: 228 Member
    I know what you mean. This is our first month, but I am over analyzing my every move these days! I am also focusing on losing the weigh, since I gain over 100lbs since grade 11, very quickly, and have not been able to lose it yet. If you need someone to talk to let me know, I am always open for new friends on the same page as me!

    Good luck with the WL and hopefully the pregnancy (don't count yourself out until AF shows up!)