Intensity Goal

Hi everyone-
I have a question for the group. I know that during the HIIT drills, we are to be working at 100%- maximum intensity. For me, this usually means a heart rate around 158. My question is where should we be working at during the regular cardio periods. Sometimes, I check my heart rate monitor during the regular cardio period and my heart rate is still around 150-155. I do try to work and push myself hard during all workouts (not just HIIT), but I'm concerned I'm pushing too high for too long.

Group thoughts?


  • IcassI
    IcassI Posts: 248 Member
    Hmm...that's interesting. In some of the HIIT workouts my HRM says my heart rate is between high 160's to the 170's. I've once even had it as high as 180. During my regular workouts I prefer to between 166 to 172. Not sure if this is right or not. BTW I'm 5'3 135 lbs.
  • Btrfly2541
    Btrfly2541 Posts: 14
    I'm 5"3 152 witha resting HR less than 60. I noticed that my intensity rate and how hard I'm pushing don't seem to change regardless of if I'm doing a short HIIT workout or longer "EZ" workout. I just work that hard for longer onthe EZ workouts! Sounds like your exertion level is about the same as well....
  • mangojh2
    mangojh2 Posts: 175 Member
    My heartrate during a normal cardio workout, for instance today I did the 55 minute EZ, is anywhere between 145-158 ish.

    When I do the HIIT workout it can go up to 160 but it doesn't stay there long. I always get back down the 140's during the rest period afterwards.

    There are also heartrate targets which people have based on their age, gender, possibly weight. My heart rate monitor doesn't like me to go over a certain number.