Newbie hear,friends wanted

Ladysummers Posts: 140 Member
Hi everyone my name is Kim I'm from small remote village in Wales uk.
After a prolonged illness I put on over five stones in weight this affected my health and esteem.
Not having any friends or family close by I decided to search for a group of like minded people for friendship and support.
By chance I was looking on the Internet when I came across this fab site so joined.
I have been on here for just over a month and have made good progress and a few friends along the way,
Please feel free to add me as a friend or exercise buddy.
I wish you all good luck in your journey.


  • 75yrsyoung
    75yrsyoung Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Kim, my name is Suzanne and I live in a major city in the Midwest USA. I have been able to lose 42 lbs over the last year and a half. It has not been easy as I am 75 and have a very painful lower back condition. When I started getting serious about my weight in January of 2011, I weighed 208 and could only walk for five minutes at a time without having to sit down because of the pain. So, I started out by walking five minutes, four times a day in the house. When that became tolerable, I increased it to 10 mins, 3 times a day. By June, when it was finally warm enough to walk outside, I was up to 20 mins at a time. I did this every day until by the end of the summer I was able to walk 40 mins. In Nov. I bought a treadmill so I could keep it up through the winter. In order to avoid the boredom of it, I either listen to my I-Pod music or watch a movie on my computer. In addition, I lift hand weights for at least 30 mins while lying on my bed to protect my back. I started with one pound, and am now able to lift a five pound weight in each hand. I do this every morning.
    I kept track of everything I ate by weighing it out or measuring it and writing it down. I had an online program similar to this one to keep track of my nutrition and calories, but that subscription ran out last Sept. I was at a plateau since Jan. so decided I needed to get back to what worked before, which was sticking to a 1200 c limit. When grocery shopping, I bypass the aisle with the snack food, because if it is in the house, I will eat it. I don't make any desserts unless I am expecting company which doesn't happen often. I never eat at fast food places (McDonald's, etc) or use frozen dinners or convenience meals. All meals are home cooked. The reward of looking in the mirror and seeing a new improved me is worth the effort it has taken. I am now much stronger, and suffer much less pain.
    I would like to be your friend and help you in any way I can. It looks as though you are off to a good start. Congratulations!
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    Hi Kim, I'm on the west coast in Canada but originally from LIverpool and moving home next year. I joined about a month ago and am also doing Weight Watchers, the combo of two, for me is really helping. Weight has crept up over the years, lost it and then regained. I think the slow, steady approach appears to be best. I have fibromyalgia so exercise is often tough, walking is about my limit but Ive been able to increase that to 7 km every other day with a 5 km walk alternate days, so I'm getting there. If we support each other we can do anything - yes?