


  • tgbyfield
    tgbyfield Posts: 62
    tgbyfield: Glad you made it through that post...it was getting brutal, but I couldn't stop reading...and getting mad! I have only been on phentermine for a week, but if I can answer any questions you have, please let me know. It's best to have as much information as possible before deciding how to proceed.

    Hope everything is going well for everyone else. Today was the first day I have been on phentermine that the scale did not show a loss. I think the mesquite chicken I had yesterday must have had a lot of sodium. Regardless, I have still lost about 4 pounds in a week! And I had been pretty much stuck since March!

    I was getting pretty upset too... the maturity level of some people is sad. :sad:
  • constantchaos05
    constantchaos05 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello All,

    Boy am I happy I found this group. I made the mistake of posting a topic about phentermine in the main forums and the thread was locked by site administrators because the debate got a little too heated. People can be pretty brutal about the weight loss medication. I personally think that everyone should do what best for their own bodies. If one way of losing weight worked for everyone, we'd all be thin. Am I right?

    I would agree 100% weather its pills or WLS you have to still exercisis and watch what you eat...to each their own...if you lose weight its a big plus and congrats!! No one should judge another persons struggles, just give them high fives for being successful and help them up when their down!!!
  • labellavitaxo
    Hello All,

    Boy am I happy I found this group. I made the mistake of posting a topic about phentermine in the main forums and the thread was locked by site administrators because the debate got a little too heated. People can be pretty brutal about the weight loss medication. I personally think that everyone should do what best for their own bodies. If one way of losing weight worked for everyone, we'd all be thin. Am I right?

    I would agree 100% weather its pills or WLS you have to still exercisis and watch what you eat...to each their own...if you lose weight its a big plus and congrats!! No one should judge another persons struggles, just give them high fives for being successful and help them up when their down!!!

    The thing that most people don't understand about Phentermine is that it isn't a magic pill that makes weight just fall off or an "easy way out" - you STILL have to diet and exercise. You still have to watch calories and carbs and work out. The only thing it helps with is it stops your brain from making you feel as hungry. Yes, it gives you more energy too, but I don't feel like Superman or anything, it just gives me that kick I need to get up and go. I don't know why this medication gets such a bad rep from people. Us Phentermine users have to work just as hard, we just have a little help in the motivation/cravings department. =)
  • Ariana120689
    Ariana120689 Posts: 85 Member
    Hello All,

    Boy am I happy I found this group. I made the mistake of posting a topic about phentermine in the main forums and the thread was locked by site administrators because the debate got a little too heated. People can be pretty brutal about the weight loss medication. I personally think that everyone should do what best for their own bodies. If one way of losing weight worked for everyone, we'd all be thin. Am I right?

    I would agree 100% weather its pills or WLS you have to still exercisis and watch what you eat...to each their own...if you lose weight its a big plus and congrats!! No one should judge another persons struggles, just give them high fives for being successful and help them up when their down!!!

    The thing that most people don't understand about Phentermine is that it isn't a magic pill that makes weight just fall off or an "easy way out" - you STILL have to diet and exercise. You still have to watch calories and carbs and work out. The only thing it helps with is it stops your brain from making you feel as hungry. Yes, it gives you more energy too, but I don't feel like Superman or anything, it just gives me that kick I need to get up and go. I don't know why this medication gets such a bad rep from people. Us Phentermine users have to work just as hard, we just have a little help in the motivation/cravings department. =)

    I agree with u 100%. I have been taking Phentermine for about 2 weeks. I have had no side effects at all. I had dry mouth the first few days but I drink water all day. But after those few days it went away. Before taking Phentermine I would barely ever go to the gym. Maybe twice a week. Since taking Phentermine, I workout 6 days a week. I have enough energy to work a 12 hour shift and get at least an hour workout. I also have no trouble sleeping.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    I do understand why many people are skeptical of weight loss pills...many are unsafe. But for goodness sake, I trust my doctor and he recommended them after knowing me for years. I doubt I am alone in that. I tried for 5 years on my own...obviously I needed help. I have been on them for 1.5 weeks and I have lost about 7-8 pounds. I have a long way to go, but what great motivation! If I wasn't seeing the numbers going down, I may not be able to stick to this low calorie and high exercise.

    Side-effects: Dry mouth...big deal. I was a little foggy late this afternoon, but I think that was because I didn't have an afternoon snack. Just had dinner and feeling a little better.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • aydensmomma81
    I was skeptical at first as well, just because I read a lot of people would gain their weight back. Well I have learned a lot that if I were to stop Phen today- I believe I could either maintain it or continue losing very slowly. I've been at a stand still for a while now but I'm still trying to make it over that bump in the road.
  • jmuller815
    jmuller815 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm so glad I found this group! I took phen last year from May to July & lost 30lbs! Then the end of July I found out I was pregnant. Turns out my body needed some weightloss to get pregnant, I had been trying for awhile. Fast forward to now, had my princess in April along w 70 extra lbs. I started phen last Tues & my home scale shows an 11lb loss. I weigh in @ Dr today & get my b12 shot & pills. I'm glad there is a forum where we can discuss phen w/o being ridiculed.
    Thanks again ! Looking forward to being a "loser" with all of you !
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    Jmuller815: Congratulations on your baby! I have heard before that weightloss can aid in fertility. Sounds like you are doing great...keep at it! I go back to the doctor today too. I get my blood test results...hoping they are all ok.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • jmuller815
    jmuller815 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks Shannota! Sounds like u have a good Dr. Mine does not offer blood work, this place basically herds 100's of women in everyday, take their $20, gives them a b12 shot & 7 pills. But my primary Dr knows I go. I could get a 30 day script from him for much cheaper but I really like the accountabilty of weigh ins weekly. I don't think I would be so motivated if I didn't go. But I'm thinking eventually a blood workup should be done on me. U are so lucky to have a thorough Dr. My plan is to get under 200lbs, I was ok w being 193 last summer, 180 would be better lol.
    Thanks again for your kind words.
  • tgbyfield
    tgbyfield Posts: 62
    Thanks Shannota! Sounds like u have a good Dr. Mine does not offer blood work, this place basically herds 100's of women in everyday, take their $20, gives them a b12 shot & 7 pills. But my primary Dr knows I go. I could get a 30 day script from him for much cheaper but I really like the accountabilty of weigh ins weekly. I don't think I would be so motivated if I didn't go. But I'm thinking eventually a blood workup should be done on me. U are so lucky to have a thorough Dr. My plan is to get under 200lbs, I was ok w being 193 last summer, 180 would be better lol.
    Thanks again for your kind words.

    The motivation from a weekly weigh in is awesome! I do think that you should talk to your primary care doctor and get some blood drawn though. You could have an underactive thyroid or some other condition that is affecting your weight loss. Also, unlike the clinic that herds in women for the money, your primary care doctor will give you a more personalized diagnosis for your weight loss. My doctor is very supportive with tips, advice, and encouragement. Plus, as you mentioned, you can get the medication cheaper through your doctor, and I know from experience, with the expense of providing for your beautiful baby, a little savings can go a long way. Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    The motivation from a weekly weigh in is awesome! I do think that you should talk to your primary care doctor and get some blood drawn though. You could have an underactive thyroid or some other condition that is affecting your weight loss. Also, unlike the clinic that herds in women for the money, your primary care doctor will give you a more personalized diagnosis for your weight loss. My doctor is very supportive with tips, advice, and encouragement. Plus, as you mentioned, you can get the medication cheaper through your doctor, and I know from experience, with the expense of providing for your beautiful baby, a little savings can go a long way. Good luck on your weight loss journey.

    Absolutely agree. My dr ran thyroid tests, cholesterol, triglicerides, liver tests, blood sugar, etc. Got the results this morning...ALL GOOD! Since diabetes runs on my family, I was a little concerned I might be pre-diabetic/insulin resistant. It is a nice relieved feeling to know I didn't mess myself up too bad to fix! If you have the tests run, you will KNOW if you have a problem getting in your way (and that way you can solve it). My dr's office has a weight loss program. It is still individualized, but we do weigh in with his nurse, Kathy, once every 2 weeks. BTW, I was down 11 pounds over my first 2 weeks!!! O, and when I went to get my script filled, the cashier told me I don't look 33...she thought I should be in my 20s! YEH!

    Aside...what are the B12 shots for? I don't get those.
  • christineandgeno
    Hi everyone I just started taking phentermine. I was put on a 1000 calorie diet by my doctor. Plus 60minutes of exercise a day. I am working on the 60minutes of exercise. Probably going to split it up part morning part night. I havent always been heavy only since my daughter was born have i struggled with the weight. I know how to eat right I just need to get back to where i was again so badly.
  • tgbyfield
    tgbyfield Posts: 62
    Hi everyone I just started taking phentermine. I was put on a 1000 calorie diet by my doctor. Plus 60minutes of exercise a day. I am working on the 60minutes of exercise. Probably going to split it up part morning part night. I havent always been heavy only since my daughter was born have i struggled with the weight. I know how to eat right I just need to get back to where i was again so badly.

    Welcome... I think you will find a lot of people here who share your desire to get back to our old selves. Good luck on your journey. Feel free to add me!
  • k4evans1
    k4evans1 Posts: 145 Member
    Just started today and had TONS of energy. I planned to wake up and go to the gym to do 30 min cardio and 10 min weights. I ended up doing 60 minutes cardio harder than I normally do and 10 min weights :) Today I love this stuff, but hope I can avoid the side effects. I plan to work my butt off to take advantage of this extra help I've been given!
  • MissMertz
    Hi ya'll! I was just put on phentermine but my doctor last week and would love some support! How's everyone been doing with their weight loss??
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    Welcome MissMertz. Phentermine can be a great tool if you use it right. Make sure to follow your doctors orders. I have been on it since July 3rd, on 1200 calories a day, and do a lot of exercise, so I have gone from about 270 to 229 since July...losing between 12-20 pounds per month. I have had none of the scary sounding side effects, but if you notice any of them, contact your doctor immediately. Hope you have great results!
  • kneall3
    Hey Everyone!

    I started on 15mg for 15 days, then switched to 30mg for 30 days, and now I'm on day 3 of 37.5mg. Aside from the occasional onset of dry mouth, I hardly notice the impact of the medicine at all. I haven't noticed much of a change in my appetite either. Has anyone else experienced this? Does it just take a little while for it to get into my system to work?

    To be honest - I haven't exactly been giving a 110% on my part of the deal (diet & exercise), so I guess I have nobody to blame but myself for the slow and less-than-impressive weight decrease on my scale - but I just wanted to get an idea of how you guys are doing with this medication and if you have any advice for me (aside from more diet and exercise - b/c I already plan on addressing that). What kind of pound losses are you seeing each week?

    Thanks so much and good luck to all of you on your weight loss journey!

  • nanainkent
    nanainkent Posts: 350 Member
    I started on Phentermine 37.5mg (doctor wanted me to start on the highest just incase I needed to cut them in half) Anyway I started 5 days ago. I still get hungry but I am able to say no and to eat smaller portions with better choices. But the energy everyone talks about I do not have. I still have to force myself to get up and do something. I am out of breath and really tired after 10 minutes of working out to a dance game. My starting weight was 218 and yesterday I weighed in at 214. So, NO I do not think you are alone in how it is working for you.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    I find that the phentermine takes the edge off my appetite. A lot of why we eat too much, though, is mental and emotional. If I am not careful, I could easily allow myself to eat just to be eating. Of course, that would pretty much make the phentermine pointless.

    Here's one thought...if you are on an antidepressant, many of those make people more hungry/gain weight. When I was on phentermine 5 years ago, I was also on Lexapro and they pretty much cancelled each other out. I am now off Lexapro (I take a couple of St. John's Wart tablets a day to keep my mood up) and not having that issue now.

    I am averaging about 15 pounds a month. But I am hypervigilant on exercise and diet.

    Hope you find what works for you. I know how frustrating it can be!
  • murphyraven
    murphyraven Posts: 163 Member
    New to this group. Hello all.

    1st time using Phen. Doc prescribed after asking about a weight loss drug Qsymia. Been taking 15mg once daily for a little over a month and have lost about 23 lbs. On about an average 1100-1200 cal diet. Cut most sugar/processed foods. Also taking 25mg Topiramate (other ingredient in Qsymia), down from 50mg a day as it was giving my tingly numb toes.

    I don't get that super energy boost from Phen anymore but I don't want to up my dose. As long as I continue to lose and it gives me that extra edge to say no to bad food cravings. No major nasty side effects. Dry mouth and a few mild headaches and insomnia at the beginning. Working on building good eating habits while on Phen for the next month or two (my doc is allowing me a 3 month trial)

    To those who have used phen before for more then a month. once you go off do all you food cravings come roaring back to the surface or do you just need to keep focused on doing what you've been doing to lose weight. That is my biggest fear about the drug is that once I go off my suppressed appetite will make up for lost time.