

  • sarahlou1045
    " I think" its number of days you've done the workout.

    My reason for the rest day on Sunday is that i will more than likely be extremely hung over! Its my OH birthday Saturday along with a family party for our engagement.
    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    Ooo congrats! Hope you have a lovely time!
  • kerryjudson
    kerryjudson Posts: 137 Member
    did my usual weigh in on friday (after 7 days on the shred) and have lost 3lbs,my bra straps i now have to fasten 1 notch in and my work clothes are getting loose - today is day 10 on level one so tomorrow i'll be starting level 2. i'm excited and scared at the same time but the results are showing. i still hate jumping jacks though lol
  • the3rdwife
    the3rdwife Posts: 43 Member
    Hi, I've just seen this thread. I'm currently on day 4 of level 2 & it does get easier.
    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    I had 2 days off over the weekend and finally found the motivation to do it again today - which makes day 7 for me. Seriously, those 2 days off were amazing, it was so good to start the workout this evening with recovered muscles that didn't complain at every single exercise before I even started it! And I even managed half of each set of press-ups from my feet before wimping out and going back to my knees.

    Also the boyfriend said on Friday that he could see a noticeable difference in my stomach looking flatter and more toned after just 6 days... so it obviously is achieving something!! So feeling much more positive about it now :)
  • hollieam92
    hollieam92 Posts: 197 Member
    Ladies I want to say I am proud of you all because I gave up after day 3! I just couldnt handle Jillian, I find her rather annoying. So I run now instead, head phones in and turned up to the max.

    Keep at it ladies! :smile:
  • ruthio77
    ruthio77 Posts: 52 Member
    I did day 6 this morning ( i had two days off over the weekend but i ran instead) and its definitely getting easier!

    I've also lost an inch off both my hips and waist so its a good start!

  • _Wucykins_
    _Wucykins_ Posts: 12
    I've only just started (on day 4) and still finding it hard, I think I need to invest in a better sports bra as I seem to find it hard to do the jumping jacks and the "jump rope" as I'm not properly supported :\.