No Wobble Wednesday!

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Ok, why do I get the feeling we are getting weak with our arm workout??? Have you done your dips today? How many? Why not rock out 30-40 dips! Add overhead tricep presses and choose your weapon: dumb-bell, medicine ball or bar-bell. Skull crushers for you Amazonian gym rats! Do it Do it!!!!! Finalize it with push-ups. Try the one armed push-up you do on your side...bottom arm curled over chest and top arm hand on the floor and push-up...not a huge movement and do not use our lower body to lift!
All this is for a GREAT tricep workout! NO MORE WOBBLE let me know your progress.
If arms get jittery do some jumping jacks or split jumps in an active 'rest'.
Go SOLDIERS!!!!!!!

