Do you ACTUALLY READ the profile?

Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
I am asking the question because I am SHOCKED at how many men do NOT read the profile at all. I look at the pics because they are first, then read the profile, and alot of times even if I am not attracted I will read the profile, and have written to people that may not be what I find really attractive, but something in their profile makes them interesting, and therefore, more attractive to me.

My friend recently asked me if she could put up a profile for me and state that she was the best friend and trying to find Mr. Right for I let her do it. She has gotten responses that it is CRYSTAL clear that they have not even skimmed the profile. One of these guys...she called him out on it, and he said he doesn't read the profiles usually because they are often full of lies....he was one that I did meet.....nice guy-no connection, etc.

So, do you read the profiles?


  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Yes, I'm the same as you :flowerforyou:
  • Daisy_Cutter
    Daisy_Cutter Posts: 774
    I absolutely read profiles. I read them more to get a feeling of what the guy is like and take what's written with a grain of salt.

    I like humor and anyone that is pretty quirky will get my attention.

    However, I read guys profiles and they say things like I don't want X or Y and I immediately ask myself if I'm this or that. I don't know so I don't write a note. I think sometimes when people give a list of what they don't want, some people may think they fall into that category but don't.

    Weight is one... a lot of guy say they don't want an "extra pounds", "curvy", or a "big" girl. What am I? I think I'm about average now but would rather error on the side of caution so my profile says "few extra pounds". I wear a size 10. Is this heavy? Can I contact a guy that doesn't want a "big girl"? I'm not sure anymore what I am! So... I don't respond.
  • NCTravellingGirl
    NCTravellingGirl Posts: 717 Member
    I do but agree that most men don't. A well written, interesting profile makes me wink or email guys I don't find as attractive. There is a lot of variety out there, I find, but then I don't look at women's profiles to know what we're writing.

    I also think though that men are very visual so they decide quickly if they would want to hit that or not (crude but true)...reading a well written profile is just icing on the cake for them after that and makes it easier for them to be clever in an email to you!

    Admittedly, it just makes me laugh now when guys who don't exercise, have beer guts, and talk about watching TV actually email or wink... really?? Did you read my profile??? You can't run to the fridge let alone finish a mile. Um, the obvious answer is no, they did not read!
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    I read every profile, for the simple reason that I don't have time to go out on senseless dates. So when I see she's a smoker (sorry, but that's a red line for me), or I get the impression that she's not so bright, or she's looking for a guy without kids, or a Republican (ha, just joking... kinda), I can save us all a lot of time.

    I'm a single dad with two active kids, a job, a fledgling new business, I spend half my life on airplanes, the Hyatt hotel staff where I'm at right now all know me by sight, etc., etc. For me I'm lucky to have time for 2 dates a month. Seriously. It's pathetic, but it's true. So why waste it by agreeing to meet someone where there is little chance of a connection?

    But I'm more or less giving up on on-line dating, for a variety of reasons. So perhaps I'm not the right person to respond here.

  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I start with the pictures. If I am not attracted or every photo is taken at an angle where you actually have to guess what they look like, I move on. Looking about pictures isn't all about physical appearance though. There have been several I have passed on because the activities they were doing didn't appeal to me. I saw a profile with a girl who was quite attractive earlier this week. However, every picture had her posing in a bar or having a wild look while holding a drink. Partying all night every night isn't appealing to me.

    If I like the pictures, I read the profile. Most of the time the profiles are really vague though. I had no idea her friends and family were important or that she liked to go out and have fun or sometimes sit home on the couch and watch a movie, etc. That is earth shattering information.
  • NCTravellingGirl
    NCTravellingGirl Posts: 717 Member
    For me I'm lucky to have time for 2 dates a month. Seriously. It's pathetic, but it's true. --P

    I don't mean to down play your frustration,but I would kill to HAVE two dates a month, haha... don't assume that this is a bad thing if it's with two reasonably decent women, even if it doesn't work out!
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    I always read the profile before messaging, and almost always reference something in the profile in the initial message.
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    For me I'm lucky to have time for 2 dates a month. Seriously. It's pathetic, but it's true. --P

    I don't mean to down play your frustration,but I would kill to HAVE two dates a month, haha... don't assume that this is a bad thing if it's with two reasonably decent women, even if it doesn't work out!

    Lucky to have *time* for two dates a month... ;-)

  • NCTravellingGirl
    NCTravellingGirl Posts: 717 Member
    For me I'm lucky to have time for 2 dates a month. Seriously. It's pathetic, but it's true. --P

    I don't mean to down play your frustration,but I would kill to HAVE two dates a month, haha... don't assume that this is a bad thing if it's with two reasonably decent women, even if it doesn't work out!

    Lucky to have *time* for two dates a month... ;-)


    OK, fair enough, you got me there, haha! I have time for a lot more than that, but I find plenty to do! Well, good luck filling that TIME!
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    For me I'm lucky to have time for 2 dates a month. Seriously. It's pathetic, but it's true. --P

    I don't mean to down play your frustration,but I would kill to HAVE two dates a month, haha... don't assume that this is a bad thing if it's with two reasonably decent women, even if it doesn't work out!

    Agreed comepltely. I have never had a date from an online dating site.
  • _Thanatos_
    _Thanatos_ Posts: 166
    I read them. Mostly if they look OK to me or seem interesting. If things check out I message them, but if they strike me as incompatible I move on to the next one.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    If I email someone I always read their profile first. How hard is it? It would be stupid not to, hopefully it will give you something interesting to talk about.
  • grum84
    grum84 Posts: 428 Member
    I will be honest that I start with the pictures. That is really what draws me into reading the profile. And for some reason, I end up reading the whole thing even if halfway through I am pretty sure I won't contact the girl. Some profiles are just fun or interesting to read.

    But when I message a girl, I try to be sure to reference some things in their profile so they know I read it. Of course, my win/loss ratio of actually receiving messages back still sucks.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I don't.

    It just takes up too much time and they're only writing what they think I want to hear (not the truth) anyway. I'll look to see if they're separated and whether they smoke, and if I have time that night I'll read the short blurb Match displays when they match you, but that's about it. Unless that little blurb or their pictures are really different/mind-blowing, I don't actually read the profile until we start talking about meeting in person.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I'll read the important parts of the profile. I'll check to see if we have any common interest and how their grammar/spelling is. I skip the lists of every single band, movie, book, and TV show they like, though. I'd prefer profiles to actually be brief, because it leaves more to be learned/desired. But yeah, I'll look at the pics first and if I like them, read the profile.

    I think men that are actually interested in finding a relationship read the profiles, and the ones that are just looking for sex don't give a hoot what your profile says.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I start with the pictures. If I am not attracted or every photo is taken at an angle where you actually have to guess what they look like, I move on. Looking about pictures isn't all about physical appearance though. There have been several I have passed on because the activities they were doing didn't appeal to me. I saw a profile with a girl who was quite attractive earlier this week. However, every picture had her posing in a bar or having a wild look while holding a drink. Partying all night every night isn't appealing to me.

    If I like the pictures, I read the profile. Most of the time the profiles are really vague though. I had no idea her friends and family were important or that she liked to go out and have fun or sometimes sit home on the couch and watch a movie, etc. That is earth shattering information.

    Although a girl that only posts pics of her at bars/with a drink in her hand is probably asking to get brushed off like this, what if that's the only time she takes pictures? Lol, I remember back when I had my profile up, I think most of my pics were of me drinking or at an event where drinking was involved. This is because I don't really take pictures.. those were the only times pictures got taken of me. I evened it out a little later by posting a picture of me in the Warrior Dash and getting a tattoo or something.
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I start with the pictures. If I am not attracted or every photo is taken at an angle where you actually have to guess what they look like, I move on. Looking about pictures isn't all about physical appearance though. There have been several I have passed on because the activities they were doing didn't appeal to me. I saw a profile with a girl who was quite attractive earlier this week. However, every picture had her posing in a bar or having a wild look while holding a drink. Partying all night every night isn't appealing to me.

    If I like the pictures, I read the profile. Most of the time the profiles are really vague though. I had no idea her friends and family were important or that she liked to go out and have fun or sometimes sit home on the couch and watch a movie, etc. That is earth shattering information.

    Although a girl that only posts pics of her at bars/with a drink in her hand is probably asking to get brushed off like this, what if that's the only time she takes pictures? Lol, I remember back when I had my profile up, I think most of my pics were of me drinking or at an event where drinking was involved. This is because I don't really take pictures.. those were the only times pictures got taken of me. I evened it out a little later by posting a picture of me in the Warrior Dash and getting a tattoo or something.

    I understand that people only get pictures taken in settings where people bring cameras. I've never been at a baseball or football game with my buddies and someone whipped out a camera. I am not a tea-totaller and I actually have a profile picture of me posing on the Las Vegas Strip as if I am passed out with a drunk Garfield. (I was pretty close to being that ripped at the time) She had at least 10 pictures though all in different attire (so they weren't from the same night), she was dressed in skimpy outfits and most of the photos had her in a "hey look at how drunk and sexxy I am" pose.
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    I do. The section on music and books I usually skip through because they are 10 pages long and I don't need your playlist to match mine. Actually, it's probably better than we have some different interested there.

    Those descriptions are the main reason I use online dating. Otherwise, I would go back to walking up to whoever looks the perfect combination of hot and drunk at a bar and work my magic there.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Pictures tell a better story to me then all the generic profile posts.
  • RunningDirty
    RunningDirty Posts: 293
    When I dated online I read them while drinking vino to ease the pain since it was the same thing written over and over and over and over...

    I no longer date online, but still drink my vino.