Living and learning

Being a hypertensive person, I was really bad last night. I was invited to Fox and Hound English Pub for a get together with people from work. I ordered the Newcastle Fish and Chips, although I knew that wasn't the healthiest choice I could make. The calories in the meal alone were over 1800 without the 3 sweet teas that I drank.

The biggest thing was the sodium intake from the Fish and Chips. The have 5,781 mg of sodium in them. The don't taste as salty as that, but that is probably due to the batter. When I stepped on the scale this afternoon, after I woke up to get ready for work, I had gained 5 pounds. I'm thinking that five pounds is kind of excessive, but then I looked at the sodium levels in the dinner and realized that I did it to myself.

I will know to check nutrtion levels on my foods before I eat them from now on.