box jumps!



  • aggiesrar05
    aggiesrar05 Posts: 335 Member
    7round WOD

    o_O whoa.

    anything over 5 rounds makes me whine inside...(like the stuff between the mile runs in the Murph).

    Good job getting over your fear though. Prior to that, would you do the box step-ups instead? I saw you said you jumped on a mat, just wondering about the step ups. My wife is afraid of the box too. She and I both know it's all mental, but it's hard to overcome.

    I've done step ups on boxes before without any problems, but it wasn't the same as the plyometrics you get from the actual jumps. So I was content with the mat... until my coach gave me the shove I needed.

    A follow up to the 18in box story. We had a BBQ at our box for July 4th and started talking about box jumps. My coach said that her philosophy was if you can jump on an 18in box then you can jump a 20in box. Then she leans over to me and say "You hear that Ruth, if you can jump an 18 in box you can jump a 20."

    Well this past Monday I walked into the WOD that I knew had box jumps in it so I was psyching myself up to get back on the box... when I looked around couldn't find an 18in box. THEY REMOVED ALL THE 18in BOXES!!! So now we had a 12 or a 20in and I wasn't about to let it get the better of me jump a 12. So ended up jumping a 20in... scared the hell out of me and when we were working on the max height skill I added a couple more inches of plates freaked out during my jump and did a nose dive over the box, but it all turned out ok.

    But I used the 20in in the WOD and did again yesterday too which resulted in a first ever RX!!!
  • rla099
    rla099 Posts: 66 Member

    But I used the 20in in the WOD and did again yesterday too which resulted in a first ever RX!!!

  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    Sorry for a dumb question, but is there a standard height for the boxes? I know they come in varying sizes, but for example with many of the WODs that use weights, it may say to use 135lbs for men and 95 for women, or something like that. If the WOD just says box jumps, is the expectation that you are targeting a specific height?

    I believe its 24 inch for men and 20 inch for women
  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    yeah, now it'll become mental and you will doubt your ability to BJ!

    That totally happened to me after my first fall! I'm still working to get over my mental block!