New to group!

ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
Hello all!
I am new to this group and wanted to introduce myself and share my story. I am 29 years old and from MN, I have been married for almost 2 years now and me and my husband started trying to get pregnant November 2010. I knew something was wrong cause when I went of birth control, which i was on since I was 16, I did not get my period for a few months. I went in and my Dr would not do anything until a year of trying unsuccessful, I was not happy with that and was talking with a few friends. One friend was going through the same thing and her Dr suggested someone she should go see, I went too. At that time the new Dr I was seeing right away said I had PCOS, not sure how long I've had it since I've been on the pill so long. I was devistated when I heard but she said not to worry and we will be able to get pregnant it will just take some time and figuring out what will work best for me.

We tried a few rounds of Clomid and just could not produce follicles that way, I was sent to a fertility specialist in Minneapolis. A friend of mine went to her too and did IUI and is due next month! I unfortunatly am not that luck, we tried IUI in January and it did not work. We were going to try again but because of my PCOS we could not make things work right. It's very hard to get right where we want to be for IUI when you have PCOS cause all of a sudden all kinds of follicles can come up and cancel the IUI. So we turned to IVF, we just finished it end of May and I ended up with a chemical pregnancy. We were quite hurt and just frusterated since it takes alot of time and emotions going through all of that. Luckily we have great insurance and have not had to spend much and this will allow us to do it again, we are taking the summer off cause we do not want to plan our summer around all of the appointments we have. So we decided to wait till the fall to try IVF again, we started the whole process with the first Dr in August 2011 so we just feel we need a break and have some fun with eachother without thinking and talking about appointments all the time.

I am working on losing some weight this summer, I'm hoping it will help all by itself and we get pregnant on our own but either way a little weight loss doesn't hurt! So I have not been on here for quite some time and am back so i can track my food and exercise. Any tips please let me know, I am very excited to learn more about PCOS and what others are doing to live with this and get pregnant. :flowerforyou:


  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member

    I was diagnosed in March. I have a 5 year old daughter, who was conceived after a year of trying. (She was conceived naturally - I too was told I had to wait a year so no fertility was started yet). We started trying again in December but this time around my periods have been almost non-existent. We've decided that if we can't have another one, it's okay since we have our daughter and she's wonderful. Still, it's frustrating!
  • ShannonJohnson
    ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
    Yes very frusterating! Right now I do not get periods on my own at all which means I don't ovulate, I"m hoping that losing some weight will help regulate things for me to get my period to be able to try. I am due for it to start now so I'll have to wait and see what happens. If i don't get it I will take a pregnancy test cause my last period was after we tried IVF unsuccessful so there is a chance I could be pregnant but I am thinking no. If not I will maybe go in to get Provera to induce a period and hope that starts something.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I go back to the doctor in a week. I have not had a period since January. I've been on Metformin since April. Last time, before my daughter was conceived, my cycle were long (six to eight weeks) but still occurred regularly. The good news is I've noticed a decrease as far as some of the other symptoms, especially hair loss.
  • ShannonJohnson
    ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
    I dont really have any symptoms other than the missing period, they found my testosterone a bit higher and then in the ultrasound they saw all the cysts. I have been on Metformin since last summer, I don't like being on it so I really hope losing some weight will help me get off it.

    What are you going into the Dr for again? Just to see if the Metformin is helping?
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    Yes - it's a follow-up. Three months since I started Metformin. No period yet but I've noticed a definite improvement with other symptoms. He may increase it too? I don't know, I'm only taking 1000 mg a day - a lot of women I know are taking more than that.