Feb mothers

I am looking for some mothers that had their baby in Feb. I need some motivation to help me lose weight. I am going back to college so its going to be hard being a mother, wife, and student plus trying to lose weight. I am wanting to lose on my own so I need all the help I can. Does anyone have any diets that is working for them like food wise?


  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    Nothing is working for me right now, but I'm breastfeeding so seem to have stalled. I'm trying to stay positive though. I eat healthy and recently started running. It has to budge eventually. I'll be here for a while so I'll support you... :)
  • cdirig
    cdirig Posts: 5
    I'm right there with you. This is hard work! My baby was born 2/26/2012. As of today I'm about 3 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. So I'm finally getting there.

    When I was preggers I had gestational diabetes. It forced me to really understand what food I was shoving into my body, and made me aware of the danger of carbs and sugars. I learned to really pay attention to ingredients, and to moderate portion size. I think all of that is helping now, but I also strive to get a minimum 30 minutes of cardio every day. I make it a MUST every day. A walk, a run, a hike, baby yoga...anything that gets my heart rate up.

    I started tracking my food so that I am forced to pay attention to what I eat (thanks diabetes!). All my friends think I'm nuts, but I log everything religiously. I don't like to publish what I eat because I'm embarrassed by how often and how badly* I "fall off the wagon," but I always review my food log each night and vow to correct mistakes the next day. My mistakes are usually in the evenings while I wait for my husband to come home for dinner. I get so darn hungry I just start eating everything in sight.

    *I have ridiculously low will power when it comes to sweets...so I try to keep them out of the house. The minute I see a bag of somethin' yummers in the pantry, I devour the entire thing in one sitting. Not good. So my husband has strict orders: don't bring home those cookies from the office!

    Good luck...please share some of your ideas for getting off and keeping off the weight!
  • I had my daughter 2/22/12 and im already under my pre pregnancy weight so now im losing the weight i had before her. I start classes again in August as well.
    Friend request sent :)
  • hi! i had my baby girl 2/20/12 and had initially lost about 30lbs shortly after my c-section but have since added back 10 lbs (i do breastfeed) and don't seem to be loosing any more weight :( . i will also start up classes again in august so i hope to have lost some weight by then. I am starting up a boot camp program so i will see how that works for me. I also had gestational diabetes (gone now) and my nutritionist had recommended continuing the diet they had me on which was low carb high protein and eating every 2-3 hours which i am going to try and do again. i will let you know how that works
  • ReReKitty
    ReReKitty Posts: 3
    I had my daughter 2/21/12 and have just now started to try to shed the leftover weight. Before pregnancy I was 123, and I gained an astonishing unbelievable amount of weight. My pregnancy peak was 174 (omg) and after the birth I was 144- I lost exactly 30 lbs. I only gained 3 pounds since then... But I wanted to be at 120 by now! I'm still not sure exactly what kind of work out I would like to try, but I'm working up to it with regular situps, crunches, pushups, yoga, and pushing my 15lb girl in her stroller (tons of hills in my neighborhood...very steep unforgiving hills). I breastfeed but it doesn't help me lose any weight... It helps me sit on the couch too often during the day haha. ^_^