day 2

Day 2 of my intro cross fit classes....I really enjoy these, but i am still nervous....maybe its because i am still not in shape, and also that I don't know anyone there yet, but I will be there, and love doing it..... !!! :)


  • aggiesrar05
    aggiesrar05 Posts: 335 Member
    Just keep going!! Hopefully it's not unique to my box, but I've found that most CrossFit people are the friendliest and most supportive group or people EVER!! We started having an influx of people and didn't know each others names, so they implemented the "burpee name game" (if you don't know the persons name that the coach asks you, 15 burpees) We now ALL know each other!

    CrossFit will expose your weaknesses but you'll soon find that your weaknesses (and strengths) improve quickly! Keep it up!!
  • tabbychiro
    tabbychiro Posts: 223 Member
    I've been doing CrossFit for about 8 months and I still get nervous.

    Our coaches are usually pretty good about doing introductions, especially when they know someone is new.

    When I first began CrossFit, I would try to chat with others by first asking how long they've been doing CrossFit.

    Glad you are enjoying it so far!
  • mhounsell
    mhounsell Posts: 11
    Thanks guys for the support!!! I really am looking forward to this and its nice to know that people felt the way I do when they were where i am now!!! it really helps a lot....