More Energy

MCunliffe Posts: 29 Member
I am surprised by how much more energy I have. I feel like the energizer bunny! My poor dear husband cannot keep up with me! I am only a week out of the hospital and I feel great! I may not look all that smaller yet but I feel it. My clothes are looser and feel like they are bigger than I remember them being. So far I continue to be glad I made the choice to have this surgery!


  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    That is so awesome! I found my energy level exploding also. Even more so as I started working out more.
  • GastricJoy
    GastricJoy Posts: 17
    I have not gotten that burst of energy. Well once and that was yesterday morning. I feel dropout and lazy. I enjoy walking but never feel motivated to do it.

    Is it something you eat drink vitamins..... what is it. I need help.
  • CHC94
    CHC94 Posts: 55 Member
    Energy? What's that? I had one big burst last week, and then I came home and slept for 3 days. I am tired all the time.