Saturday Challenge

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Hey, I know it is unbearable hot in most of the country today but what can you do to have fun! Have fun with your family and/or friends. I challenge you to spend quality time with your family friends and have a great time. No matter what the activity. We rush so much we don't 'spend' quality time. Do anything meaningful together! This is all about our mental health....our total health and growth


  • EttaMarvin
    Guess I'll watch a movie and have diner with my teenager then for this challenge!!
  • Skeen903
    Skeen903 Posts: 408 Member
    My hubby and I went to an aquatic center and had fun in the water for most of the day and then went to a new restaurant. Ended up being one of the best dining experiences we have ever had. It was a really nice day :D
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    went swimming today, it is hot here for sure