Fattack Posts: 666 Member
I'll be maintaining everybody's stats in a spreadsheet that I will upload to Google documents weekly. (link to follow)

EVERY SUNDAY, I will post a thread asking you all to provide me with 2 pieces of information:

1. Weigh In. I'll need your weight (preferably in lbs, but if you don't know it, stones / kg is fine too).
2. Calories burnt that week - you can easily access this by going to the Exercise Tab and looking at your Weekly Total. Make sure you take the number on Sunday (after your last workout, if you work out on Sundays), because it resets on Monday and otherwise you'll get an inaccurate figure.

EVERY MONDAY, I will announce the weekly winners, so make sure you have your information to me on Sunday or you'll be ineligible to win the weekly challenge!

What happens if I'm going away for the weekend?
1. If you can weigh in before Sunday, then you are still eligible to win the weekly challenges.
2. If you can't weigh in before Sunday, then you are ineligible to win the weekly challenge.
3. If you can't weigh in before Sunday, and send me your weight as soon as you can, then you are eligible to participate the next week. (If you weight to the Sunday after you get back, then you aren't eligible to win the following week either, as you could technically have gone 2 weeks without weighing).
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