July Challange



  • manasunshine
    manasunshine Posts: 130
    oh god here it is, ive gained 2 kgs!!!

    CW: 131
    GW by end of this month: 127

    07/09: dont know, didnt check
    07/16: 134lbs effff!!!

    i still have 2 weeks to make up for it. thanks ammire for reminding :smile:
  • missff
    missff Posts: 56 Member
    CW: 168lb
    GW: 136lb

    07/09: 168 lbs
    07/16: 162lbs*

    Personal Goals for last week met!, Personal goals for this week:

    - Stick to my calorie allowance
    - Get to the gym at least 3 x
    - Get to one yoga/pilates session

    *I haven't lost 6lbs in a week! 07/09 weigh in was from the Wednesday before as that's my weigh in day and I thought weighing in again only a few days later would put me on a downer. So, it's 6lbs in 2 weeks. I'll keep my weigh in day as Wednesday and just post after everyone else.
  • missff
    missff Posts: 56 Member
    you're building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat but takes up less space, hence the loose pants. it's working! keep at it!
  • missff
    missff Posts: 56 Member
    Monday weigh-in!

    CW: 190
    GW by end of this month: 184 (that's 1.5 lbs a week - probably more than I can do, but it is considered reasonable)

    07/09: 190
    07/16: 190 (this is not working out for me, is it?

    Goals for this month were: go out riding on my bike (which is the exercise I find easiest) at least 2, hopefully 3 times a week.
    Get to the gym twice a week.
    Dig out my exercise bike from the basement and use it!
    Stretch my heel spur so that someday it hopefully goes away and I can go back to walking & Zumba.
    And, stay within my 1470 daily calorie goal.

    What I have accomplished so far mid-way through July: a few long bike rides outside. And some stretching of my heel spur.
    July Fails: I did not get to the gym yet at all this month; I have not dug out my basement exercise eqipment, and at least 4 days of the week I am not staying within my calorie goal. :( Also I did not stretch enough.

    But, even though I haven't lost a pound yet this month, my pants are a little less tight and I feel more fit; as if I am standing up straighter. So I think I'm making progress, it's just measured in ounces right now instead of pounds.
  • missff
    missff Posts: 56 Member
    I'm still getting the hang of this .... hopefully you worked out that my reply was to the quote I highlighted only somehow I did it in the wrong order :blushing:
  • beckyme21
    beckyme21 Posts: 29 Member
    CW: 173
    GW: 167

    07/09: 176
    07/16:  173

    Can anyone do the fancy spreadsheet we did in April & may?  I liked inputting it somewhere and seeing how much we lost as a group :-)
  • ammire82
    ammire82 Posts: 50
    Can anyone do the fancy spreadsheet we did in April & may?  I liked inputting it somewhere and seeing how much we lost as a group :-)

    I'm not sure how to, Healthbunny did that and she deleted her account. I'll have hubby look into it though. He's a computer geek lol
  • cavewoman15
    cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
    I hit my goal loss for this month!

    CW: XX
    GW: -4
  • ammire82
    ammire82 Posts: 50
    I made a spreedsheet but it's different then the one healthbunny made. I'm not really sure how she did it.

  • beckyme21
    beckyme21 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey just tried to see the spreadsheet but it said I didn't have the right to access?
  • ammire82
    ammire82 Posts: 50
    should be fixed now
  • ammire82
    ammire82 Posts: 50
    well It looks Like I'm stuck on a plateau again. better find some way to shack up my routine so I can start loosing again
  • missff
    missff Posts: 56 Member
    CW: 168lb
    GW: 136lb

    07/09: 168 lbs
    07/16: 162lbs*
    07/23: 165.5 WHY?????? *

    * I am soooooooooooo fed up, stuck to calories all week (slightly less if truth be told) and was at the gym 4x. Nothing to do with time of the month either. How come I've gained 3.5lbs? : 0 (
  • kattymatt
    kattymatt Posts: 20
    HW: 160
    CW: 150
    GW: 118
  • ammire82
    ammire82 Posts: 50
    CW: 168lb
    GW: 136lb

    07/09: 168 lbs
    07/16: 162lbs*
    07/23: 165.5 WHY?????? *

    * I am soooooooooooo fed up, stuck to calories all week (slightly less if truth be told) and was at the gym 4x. Nothing to do with time of the month either. How come I've gained 3.5lbs? : 0 (

    I totally feel you. I gained some and now I'm stuck. Don't get depressed about it or it will only get worse. Just relax and change up something in your routine. Another thing make sure when you hit the gym that you're doing cardio. Otherwise you'll burn calories but not fat. Good luck!
  • missff
    missff Posts: 56 Member
    CW: 168lb
    GW: 136lb

    07/09: 168 lbs
    07/16: 162lbs*
    07/23: 165.5 WHY?????? *
    07/30: 165.5

    Another week of not losing anything - weight or inches, mind you I got a bit demotivated and decided to eat without care - still logged though so I can see why I haven't lost any this week. On the plus side I finished this challenge 1.5lbs lighter and since being on MFP I've lost some inches so that's something.

    Tomorrow is a new month and I'm ready to get back on track! Good luck everyone
  • ammire82
    ammire82 Posts: 50

    07/09: 197.2 no gain no loss. not bad for a holiday week. Next week vacation and no bike half the week frown hope I don't gain any
    07/16:198.0 sick I guess it could be worse. just have to work harder the rest of the month.

    Personal Goal(s): Remember to actually USE my stationary bike every other day

    well this month sucked and looks like it wasn't just me. Don't loose hope ladies!