Common excuses for not training and why we should.

Cold and Dark: Here in beautiful Perth we are blessed with some of the best weather all year round, yet we continually use the excuse of its to cold and dark to get up early and train. Yes it is hard, but research into weight loss has proven that getting up and moving first thing in the morning is one of the keys to successful weight loss.

Time: We are all so busy with work and family that one of the only times that cannot be taken from us is first thing in the morning, lets face it once our day begins anything can happen and by the time we get home at the end of our day it is much easier to sit on the couch and let the excuses kick in, such as I am to tired, I will do it tomorrow etc and not exercise for another day.

Stress: The busier we are the more likely it is that we become stressed and lethargic, the worse thing you can do is not participate in some sort of exercise program. The best form of instant stress relief is exercise if you don't believe me you haven't tried it. So next time you come home from work with your head pounding and a million things whirling around your brain, put your runners on and head straight back out for a walk, run or group fitness class and feel the difference.You and your brain will feel better.