Healthy Indian Food in Mumbai

Amaljs Posts: 2 Member
Hi All,
I am new to the group and just joined today. I am based in Mumbai, single and male, with a lot of travel. So i don't cook dinner at home and usually order.

I have two questions -
1. Where can you order good salads and healthy grilled chicken in Bandra West, Mumbai. Any suggestions ?
2. What is a good site to be able to analyze the calorie, fat, cholestrol content in traditional homemade Indian food?

Would love to hear suggestions on ideas on the above 2.

Hope the weight scale has been nice to you today!



  • Primamd
    Primamd Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Amal,
    I know I am rather late on this one, but still...
    Have you considered the Subway salads? Just ask not to have mayo or south west sauce on them.
    Even Pizza Hut has salads.
    Also Alfarms has ready marinated herb chicken that you can just grill or bake. You will need to buy a whole chicken, but you can always cut it up when you get it home and then refreeze it in easy portions. It is very tasty :)
    Even if you don't cook much at home, invest in a grill pan with those raised ridges that drain away excess fat.Westside has a heavy cast-iron one.
    Then you can build your own salads and add your grilled chicken to them. Much tastier and cheaper than outside salads - especially in the monsoon!

  • Richa_S
    Richa_S Posts: 78 Member
    I can answer the later question, this website too has the option to analyze calorie in indian food..