Amazing Spiderman

Posts: 5,754 Member
Saw. Was pretty good. Without a doubt Stan Lee's cameo was hilariously awesome.
Awesome, can't wait to see this0
I'm looking forward to seeing it, even more so than The Dark Knight Rises.0
I normally shun 3D, but the trailer looks so amazing, I don't think I can deny it this time around. My daughters are going nuts waiting for it, and they are 5 and 7!0
I have heard nothing but wretched reviews from all different kinds of folks and from what I have seen/read it does not peak my interest. If I do venture out to see it I will see it on the normal big screen. I find that 3D just gives me a headache and very rarely adds anything to the movie for me.0
Watched it in 3D and I loved it. Still not as great as the Avengers movie though0
Most of my friends who saw it loved it. The biggest complaint I heard was the 'bing it' reference. Really microsoft? really?0
I saw it and really enjoyed it, but I'm biased by Andrew Garfield's hypnotizing butt.0
Im pretty exicited to it, not so hot on the new costume but not a deal breaker (and in all fairnes spidey has had a **** ton of diff suits) Now if they came out with a Venom movie I would really geek out!0
thought it was far superior to any pevious spiderman flick0
I'm liking the comments here because I was skeptical at first. I still might have to rent it though.0
It was good, but there was room for improvement. Spidey with Alfred Molina as Doc Ock is still the best movie, in my opinion.0
My wife saw it yesterday and said it was OK, she told me not to get my geek hopes up.0
saw it in 3d last night with the D-box experience (where your chair moves with the action) an i would highly recommend it to anyone it is perhaps the closest to webslinging that im ever gonna get and the film was without sounding nerdy AMAZING!!!! i loved it! cant wait for the sequel!!! which they damn well better do!!! xoxo0
Thought Andrew Garfield was far better as peter than Toby was, I don't know something always really annoyed me about his take on the webslinger. Anyway was good for what it was, it was never gonna be a big hit on the scale of Avengers but definitely worth a watch. As some one said above Stan Lee's cameo was awesome.0
Not sure if I will watch it or not. I think the guy playing spiderman looks too nerdy and skinny. I also don't like how Kirsten dunst and Toby McGuire aren't in it. I'm more of a batman fan.0
Not sure if I will watch it or not. I think the guy playing spiderman looks too nerdy and skinny. I also don't like how Kirsten dunst and Toby McGuire aren't in it. I'm more of a batman fan.
Rumor had it that the reason why Tobey Maguire didn't do this movie because he got a back injury doing a stunt in Spider-Man 30 -
Hey all, new to the group and I'm so glad this is the first point of discussion! I thought Spiderman rocked, and I was a huge fan of the original story line. Also, girl moment, Andrew Garfield is WAAAY more attractive and awesome as Peter Parker/Spiderman than Toby McGuire ever was! I think he was a nice mix of the nerdy/quirky and the witty smartass. Plus the Spfx were fantastic! Loved it tons!0
Hey all, new to the group and I'm so glad this is the first point of discussion! I thought Spiderman rocked, and I was a huge fan of the original story line. Also, girl moment, Andrew Garfield is WAAAY more attractive and awesome as Peter Parker/Spiderman than Toby McGuire ever was! I think he was a nice mix of the nerdy/quirky and the witty smartass. Plus the Spfx were fantastic! Loved it tons!
Andrew Garfield had the perfect :nerd: look for the movie.0 -
I enjoyed it especially after the disaster of spiderman 3 . THe only thing Tody has over the current spiderman is he cries prettier. I honestly was pleasantly suprised by it0