
So this past weekend I traveled to my parents house and back (4 hour drive each way). I kept to my diet most of the time except for one cheat night while I was there. I've always found traveling while watching calories hard because on the interstate there aren't many healthy options out there.

I found some South Beach Diet protein bars to have for breakfast and kept water with me. They were good and fit within my daily plan.

What are your tips to sticking to your diet while traveling?


  • farmergranny
    I just came back from a trip and had planned ahead on what I would eat. Knowing there are not good choices on the interstate (usually), I checked on the calorie count of certain foods at Wendy's and was able to stay under that day. While visiting I shared myfitnesspal w/the hostess and she was most accomodating. I could eat anything that was offered, in moderation, and still kept my calories under control. Having just started MFP, I wanted to stick to it as much as I could and found that preplanning sure helped.