Day 4 - Core Blimey!

lottieloves85 Posts: 73 Member
Hey guys, sorry I'm a bit late with today's challenge - hope you all get time to squeeze it in!

Anyway, today is all about strengthening your cores!

Core Blimey!

The challenge is to do the following core strengthening exercises:

1) The Plank - try and hold this for as long as possible, my core is ridiculously weak and I can only manage 30 seconds!

2) The Side Plank - I find this the hardest workout move EVER so again, just try holding it for as long as possible and don't forget to switch sides!

3) Bicycle crunches - a toughie but a goody! Aim for 20 reps.

4) The Hip Bridge - try and hold this for a minute if you can! Great for working the lower back. Try doing single leg bridges if you're feeling strong!

5) Push Ups - great for core and sexy shoulders! Aim for 20 reps.

6) Superman! Watch the video here and pick your level

Good Luck! :)


  • KimberErin
    KimberErin Posts: 66 Member
    very excited to try this! Yesterday was awful so im looking forward to losing the weight i gained..
  • saun5870
    saun5870 Posts: 31 Member
    No kidding!! I didn't do anyting exciting but just having the day off of work makes it easier to lay around! lol
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I'm staying out of this one today afraid, didnt see it until 5pm, and I've already done so much today, and that was major effort, sorry guys :-(
  • ang_stauff
    ang_stauff Posts: 15 Member
    i really should try and fit this in after yesterdays pigfest lol but not soo sure I will since I just saw this post and little mans naptime is over...instead i think i will try to do these in the pool saw some videos on planking in the pool :) water exercises are a great workout
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    I just did these at 5:30pm -- I figured I'd better get them in BEFORE dinner, because after dinner I'd be too sluggish! I managed to hold the Plank for 2 minutes, and also held the Side Plank for two minutes on each side. Got the 20 repeats done on the Bicycle Crunches and Push Ups (had to do bent leg push ups because I just wasn't up to the full push ups today) and did 10 repeats on the level 3 Supermans. That was fun!
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    Stuck late at the office but brought some workout clothes - maybe I'll close my door and try to do these for a quick break :)
  • SRitzy
    SRitzy Posts: 79 Member
    Well I tried all of these last night. It's been along time since I did any of these. Did 20 bicycle crunches & bent knee pushups. My planks looked alot like the warped boards we replaced on the fence the last few days! But I will start added those into my weekly workouts whenever possible.
  • lottieloves85
    lottieloves85 Posts: 73 Member
    Great work guys! Think I'll be doing a Plank-A-Day from now on til I can hold it for 2 minutes!
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    I just did these at 5:30pm -- I figured I'd better get them in BEFORE dinner, because after dinner I'd be too sluggish! I managed to hold the Plank for 2 minutes, and also held the Side Plank for two minutes on each side. Got the 20 repeats done on the Bicycle Crunches and Push Ups (had to do bent leg push ups because I just wasn't up to the full push ups today) and did 10 repeats on the level 3 Supermans. That was fun!

    Ooops, forgot to note I held the hip bridge for 2 minutes as well. This definitely showed where my weaknesses are, though. I really need to concentrate on building up enough strength for the straight leg push ups.