Introduction and Here to Lose weight

Hi there,
I have recently been diagnosed with both Gluten Intollerance and PCOS and I've been trying to lose weight for the past two years.
I originally started at 179 with 40% bodyfat and am 5'1. After cholesterol tests coming back high I made the decision to lose weight and get healthy.

Since then I have cleaned up my diet, done a body building program called Body for Life and yet I still struggle to keep weight off and get to my goal even after two years. I think I did the best when I was doing Body for Life as I got down to 150 and 28% body fat but plateaued at 150 and wasn't able to get below that for some reason. I fell off the wagon and gained weight easily back up to 168. Interestingly enough when I weigh less then 150lbs my periods start getting regular again. This is another reason why I feel like I will have less PCOS symptoms the less I weigh.

My Gynecologist put me on Metformin 500mg TR recently and I've been taking it for two weeks now while doing the Atkins diet.
I lost 7lbs and am currently hovering between 161 and 164.

So now I'm at a crossroads and I know that weight training and working out will be the key again. I hear it burns up the excess testosterone (however too much exercise can make more in addition to Cortisol which hampers weight loss as well)

I'm mainly here to see if there is anyone who as actually be able to lose weight at all with PCOS. I mean get to goal weight not lose 10% like me and plateau. Don't me wrong I'm thrilled I was able to get rid of the weight I have but I feel like if I don't get to an even healthier weight I'll just flux back up to my old weight. I'd rather be between 128 and 140.


  • delaney056
    delaney056 Posts: 475
    I'm only 6 pounds from my goal weight. I was diagnosed with PCOS a year and a half ago, and I've lost a total of 24 pounds.
    It is definitely possible to lose weight with PCOS!
    And yes, most women say the less they weigh, the less symptoms they have. And that's been true for me. Losing weight may be a little more difficult with PCOS, but it is definitely possible and can significantly help balance out your hormone levels and reduce PCOS symptoms. I've heard about women who actually no longer have PCOS after they lose weight, so anything is possible!
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    I'm losing weight pretty steadily and I have severe PCOS and endometriosis (I had one ovary removed due to the PCOS about 2 years ago.) As I've lost weight, they've seen less and less cysts on my ovaries during regular ultrasounds and I've noticed a little improvement as far as the symptoms are concerned. Being on Metformin helped me to get going on my weight loss, although I've heard you need to be taking at least 1000 mg for it to be effective- you may want to discuss that with your doctor. I think my weight loss is largely contributed to working out a lot, although I'm sure cutting calories is helping too.