New to MFP and Group =) Intro

kpierce7188 Posts: 41 Member
Hey all!
I'm a mamma of 3 (5yo, 21mo, and 7mo) and married to my best friend. I just turned 24 this year and it's so time for a change.I'm starting college in the fall going full time and working for a behavioral care center as a CNA and activity personnel.

I was doing WW for about 3 months and lost 20 lbs (start weight was 176 now at 156) Decided it was time for a change. I found this wonderful site and instantly fell in love with it =) There is so much support here which is what I deffinetly need it's getting hard and the last week I have been emotionally eating which afterwards gives me this huge wave of guilt- not a thing I like to feel prior to going to sleep lol.
Anyways I'm super excited about not only seeing mine but everyone elses progress! GL to all!! Heres to a new chance at life!!