What have you found works for you?

Weight Watchers? NutriSystem? Zumba? Counting Calories? Carbs? What is is that has worked for you and why? Was/Is is difficult and what are the pros and cons?


  • I don't have anything in particular that I do because I have to change things up a lot to keep the weight loss going. My favorite thing to do is ride my bike. I am also working on running. I have never been a runner but I would like to so I just do speed bursts and do what I can although I have trouble with my shins. I do Barry's Bootcamp videos which are circuit interval training. I count calories and try to eat the most natural foods that I can. I have a very hard time losing weight and seem to plateau often. :/
  • Reneefit135
    Reneefit135 Posts: 170
    Hello all - i guess i haven't found exactly the right combination of what works for me. I do know that i feel and look better when i work out regularly but i have had the same 20bls to loose for years now even when i build muscle and lose inches it basically doesn't change the deep fat layers that i seem to have and now i need to lose 30lbs. Starting this month my goal is regular exercise rumba (which is GREAT cardio if done right), weight lifting, toning. Lots of water (always notice a difference when i beef up the water), eating primarily fruits and veggies and the other thing i notice a difference with fast is consistent smaller portions. I am thinking about joining weight watchers just to get support. But then i thought why pay for support when their are forums like this. so, we shall see :)
  • isis2triple0
    isis2triple0 Posts: 106 Member
    For me instead of doing cardio with weights as an addition I switched to serious weight training with cardio as the addition. I started eating as clean as possible with a treat or two thrown in and BLAM!!! The fat has been melting off and the muscles popping out!!
  • MommyRobin
    MommyRobin Posts: 584 Member
    I have lost 86 lbs. in the last year. Counting calories, doing elliptical work and Jillian Michaels DVD workouts. I started running in Match of this year. I am 3 lbs. from my goal, but I have been stuck at 138 for 5 weeks. What worked for me isn't working right now. I need to change it up. Anyone else hit a plateau or work past one?
  • brownju
    brownju Posts: 24 Member
    I can't say I have any one thing. I have tried various forms of diets. I did Weight Watchers like 14 years ago when I was in high school. It was great. I measured everything out and walked 5 miles daily along with weights. Then I worked myself up to jogging 3 miles a day with weights. Then life happened...I got married and had kids...

    I have tried Zumba....had to go 2-3 times before I totally fell in LOVE with it. I never stayed with it consistently and regret that now. I JUST got Zumba for the Wii and hope to revive my love for it and stick with it. I really think it would help me produce the results I am looking for.

    I tried Southbeach. Lost like 23 lbs in 3months. It was expensive for me and really unrealistic for what my life is like. So I ended gaining it all back due to my binges that i have.

    Ive done pills out the wazoo.....only one that worked VERY WELL was a prescription called phentermine. Once again....lost a ton of weight-60lbs. Stopped taking it because I KNEW the side effects are dangerous. Gained that weight back and then some.

    Many, many, many others...and now here i am.

    I figure just like 1+1=2. Reducing calories and eating mostly good food + exercise in moderation (I shoot for 30 min daily)= weight loss. I AM frustrated with my loss as I really started fully first part of June. I am waiting this out; this is my last resort....I know this has to work.....all it needs is me giving 100% and patience.
  • ssaldana05
    ssaldana05 Posts: 14
    These are all great ideas. its definitely hard because it seems like women hit that plateau often! I know I currently have. Has anyone found it to be because of hormonal reasons? Calorie intake? Water retention? etc. Its just a hard thing to not see a change for 2 weeks. This same thing happened to me last year and it stopped because I was so upset.
  • choppieFu
    choppieFu Posts: 2 Member
    Routine exercise works for me and of course my food intake. I think we just get to that point and say that's it, I'm losing this weight! Start easy and maybe get a buddy to join you. The buddy system can really help motivate each other, but you both need to be there for each other.

    I've been heavy only these last 5 1/2yrs after my 5th child. Don't get me wrong I put the weight on with each child but having a full-time physical job helped shed the pounds. Now unemployed 5yrs not being active has taken its toll on my 5'1" small framed body. Its horrible!

    I started with floor exercises first (15min) everyday and lost a couple lbs there. Started walking, wanted to jog but felt too heavy, so I figure just walk doing the treadmill moderate pace @ an incline and slowly increase the incline. I do light weights cause I don't want muscles. That just adds to your weight. So just tone it but lightly. Overall I have lost 8lbs before joining Myfitnesspal and with this new calorie counting I hope to drop the weight a tab quicker but not too fast. My goals are reasonable and spread out :flowerforyou:
  • Reneefit135
    Reneefit135 Posts: 170
    I have lost 86 lbs. in the last year. Counting calories, doing elliptical work and Jillian Michaels DVD workouts. I started running in Match of this year. I am 3 lbs. from my goal, but I have been stuck at 138 for 5 weeks. What worked for me isn't working right now. I need to change it up. Anyone else hit a plateau or work past one?

    I am so jealous we started MFP the same time and i only lost 6 lbs. So proud of you for sticking with it.
  • SexyBoomer
    SexyBoomer Posts: 41 Member
  • Well, I've dieted and exercised all my life but an obsession with food led me to be morbidly obese for quite a few years. I finally gave in and had lapband surgery. I have lost 52 lbs since the surgery in April of 2011. Due to some unexpected problems in the beginning I didn't really start losing weight for the first nine months which was very discouraging.

    The one thing that I was hoping for and have realized as a result of the surgery is that my obsession with food has pretty much been cured. Totally re-addressing how I had to eat and how I had to be careful with how much and what I ate did that for me. I don't think anything else would have because I am 58 and, like I said, I'd tried everything throughout many years that didn't work.

    It has not been easy! It's really not an easy out but I'm really glad that I did it. Exercising is MUCH easier, I always enjoyed it but was limited in how much and what I could do. I still have issues but I can do much more than I ever could before.