Scale if Finally Moving!

Shannota Posts: 312 Member
Hello all! I just wanted to compare notes. I had been stuck at about 275 since about late March. I tried eating more to weigh less. I tried lifting heavy. The scale was still stuck.

I went to my doctor on Tuesday (started at about 272-273) and he started me on Phentermine and 1200 calories a day. In those 4 days, I have lost just under 3 pounds and have finally gotten under 270! As of this morning I am at 269.4!

I know this is likely to slow down after a week or two, but boy does it feel great! I hope everyone is having a great success with the phentermine. I can't believe how much more energy I have. My husband, son, and I went visiting relatives yesterday, and it was tough to sit still while sitting and visiting with them (and it didn't used to be).

I am just so thrilled that I had to share. I'd love to hear how everyone else is doing!


  • aydensmomma81
    Oh wow, your doing awesome! I love seeing the numbers go down as well, I'm on a 1200 cal diet too. Are you exercising?
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    Aydensmomma: Yep, I exercise as much as I can. Since it has been so hot here lately (I live in Indiana and we are in the worst heatwave ever recorded), I have had to keep it indoors lately. I am doing C25K and add in some TurboJam or TurboFire now and then. I also bought a BodyMedia Fit armband and am tracking my calories burned. Fantastic to get rid of the extra I have been packing around!