What is your why?

I thought I would start a discussion so we can learn why we all are here. I believe it will help us motivate each other if we know a little bit more about one another.

I have struggled with my weight all my life. At my heaviest I weighed around 210 pounds and was miserable. It is so easy to eat fast food or junk food. I have finally decided that I need to lose the weight for me. I want to be able to look in the mirror and be comfortable in my own skin. It is a very difficult journey considering my family nor friends are on board. I have never been an athletic person but now do some sort of exercise almost everyday.

I am currently at 170 pounds and would like to lose 30 more. It is a slow process but I know I am doing it the right way this time. Nexercise has been a great motivator with making me want to stay active. My Fitness Pal has been a great tool to help me keep track of my food and exercise.

Feel free to add me on here and on Nexercise. I will help in anyway that I can :happy:

Tricia Meyer