Online Dating Scammers



  • SouthernSweetie74

    I am really done with them, and am just going to concentrate on getting Carl to move to Florida:bigsmile:

    Smart idea!
  • SouthernSweetie74
    The newest one I've heard of I think is kind of funny. They'll tell you someone hired out a hit on you, and they're supposed to assassinate you, but if you send them money, they won't. I wonder how many people have fallen for that one?

    Oh, that's just awful! There will be some to fall for it...unfortunately...
  • SouthernSweetie74
    The most common I have found are obviously fake profiles of beautiful women winking or something in an attempt to get me to upgrade (pay) for more site services.
    The other is phishing "Hi,your profile looks perfect for me,message me at".

    Oh, but, Carl... froom what I've seen on these boards, you know you're a wanted man! :wink:
  • almostatgoalweight
    almostatgoalweight Posts: 234 Member
    Bots are prevalent too. Fake female members. They can be somewhat easy to spot though.

    Yeah, just ask them a weird question and see how they (don't) react. It will be a bit scary though when bots pass the Turing test.
  • almostatgoalweight
    almostatgoalweight Posts: 234 Member
    I was on and came across a lot of scammers. For some weird reason they all were from Ghana. Anyway I decided to have some fun, I was chatting away with a scammer, I told him that I knew he was one but I would send him $50 if he could solve a mathematical problem (derive the formula for the sum of 1 to n) in under 5 minutes (this is theoretically possible for someone to do). He swore at me and logged off. Only later did I realise that you could Google the answer. I almost lost $50! Scary, huh?
  • kansasbelle
    kansasbelle Posts: 264 Member
    Nope sweetie I get them too.. I call them out on it and then their profiles dvanish. I hate when they ask me to yahoo chat with them or give them my e-mail address and I haven;t even sent a repsonse back. You know I have had stalkers from Match so I try to be carefl I google everybody. If they get upset so be it...
