What are the odds

EvanKeel Posts: 1,903 Member
edited December 2024 in Social Groups
...that either candidate will do anything to change your mind about your vote at this point? This comes with a mini rant that's aimed at the election season in general and not so much at this debate group; I thought it would be important to preface that.

I've never been savvy enough to really make predictions about presidential elections that I would actually trust, but this one has me at a loss. I have no idea whose spin machine is going to be more effective at this point.

I ask the question in the first place because I find myself facing some tension. On one hand, I have no idea who has an edge. When it comes down to it, polls are more for entertainment than anything else, especially this far out from the election itself. On the other hand, I'm reasonably confident that there is nothing that's likely to come up in any debate, presidential or otherwise, and/or policy decision that's going to change my mind. So what's all the hubbub, bub? How many people are really on the fence at this point, and why?

Mini rant: I'm tired of it. All of it. It's only approaching mid July. I think technically Ron Paul even still has a snowball's chance in hell of getting nominated; I really don't know if he has enough states to get to the convention or not--but it was close when I last looked. Point is, it's still early. I'm tired of the news sites. I'm tired of debates that go on. They're not new. The discussions we have here...happen everywhere. It would be like reading a student's paper comparing the Lion King to Hamlet. It's pretty well-worn territory. Except I would probably be getting paid for that.

I'm not saying we shouldn't have these discussion, exactly. If people find their own value in them, then that's that. Some people find that me obsessively re-watching Firefly and Downton Abby reruns is irritating, I'm sure. I'm just saying that it's mid July, I'm starting to get bombarded by political rhetoric with terminus that is too far off in the future for my liking. I want my life meta tagged, so I can just filter out politically tagged items. At first I would tell myself "well you don't have to read the article/thread/whatever" but now just reading the title and knowing it's there is getting exhausting.

Anyone else getting this feeling?


  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Just about zero. I'm pretty sure if Obama started changing things the way I want them changed, he'd end up assassinated before the ink was dry on the arrest warrants for just about everyone who served in the last administration, not to mention warrants for crimes against humanity committed during his own administration, which I guess means he'd have to arrest himself along with most of the CIA and a good chunk of our military's higher ups.

    Never going to happen.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    At this point... it's very slim... but to be honest, I am more likely at this point to vote third party or write in a candidate, because neither of them are to my liking... they both suck and so do both major parties... I'm tired of the internet meme's floating around too, that serve nothing but to say "you suck, (insert party/politician and all the followers)"... and I pretty much have the same sentiment as you do... politicians and leaders of both parties lack the class that I feel is necessary for a statesman and leader of this country and I'm tired of it.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    It's pretty obvious that I have my mind made up--at this point, quite frankly, I can't imagine any serious person who doesn't. The fact that so many people might consider themselves "undecided" seems really bizarre.

    Congress is not going to take any substantive action. I know what Obama wants to do. I know everything about romney and the republicans that I ever need to know.

    I am pretty selective in what I watch and read at this point. I don't watch any news or cable news shows--the blather and BS is a complete waste of time. I use a number of web sites and twitter as screening tools to find specific articles and authors I am interested in, and to scan the general news to keep a sense of what is going on.

    I watch Fashion Police, Jon Stewart's opening monologue, and the Tour de France. That pretty much keeps me up to date.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    ...that either candidate will do anything to change your mind about your vote at this point?
    Not great.
    I've never been savvy enough to really make predictions about presidential elections that I would actually trust, but this one has me at a loss. I have no idea whose spin machine is going to be more effective at this point.
    I feel the same way at this point.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    ...that either candidate will do anything to change your mind about your vote at this point?
    Not great.
    I've never been savvy enough to really make predictions about presidential elections that I would actually trust, but this one has me at a loss. I have no idea whose spin machine is going to be more effective at this point.
    I feel the same way at this point.

    Same here. It seems to me that either or could win and both scare the hell out of me.

    It will be a write in or Libertarian vote for me.
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    I live in GA. It doesn't really matter who I vote for.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    ive voted Bush Clinton Bush Gore Obama and intend to vote Romney this time but there is a 30ish% chance i could be swayed back to Obama.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I live in GA. It doesn't really matter who I vote for.

    :laugh: I live in Texas so it really doesn't matter.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I live in CA. It doesn't really matter who I vote for.

    Fixed that for me.........:laugh: :wink:

    I already know the electoral votes from California are going to go to Obama. California hasn't gone red in a long time.

    I will still vote for Romney.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Nope. No chance of a change, and there hasn't been since March 19, 2003. Probably a lifelong affliction.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    :laugh: I live in Texas so it really doesn't matter.
    Same here! I will still vote Republican!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I live in CA. It doesn't really matter who I vote for.

    Fixed that for me.........:laugh: :wink:

    I already know the electoral votes from California are going to go to Obama. California hasn't gone red in a long time.

    I will still vote for Romney.

    Which I think is kinda funny when you look at it... Because if you look at a county break down of how the state voted it's a light red to red in most of the state with obvious exception to the major cities...
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I live in CA. It doesn't really matter who I vote for.

    Fixed that for me.........:laugh: :wink:

    I already know the electoral votes from California are going to go to Obama. California hasn't gone red in a long time.

    I will still vote for Romney.

    Which I think is kinda funny when you look at it... Because if you look at a county break down of how the state voted it's a light red to red in most of the state with obvious exception to the major cities...

    Yep, right down the coast, concentrated around LA,SD, and SF, all blue. The rest of the state, red. The blues still outnumber the reds in this state, though. All that red territory is filled with farmland.
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member

    Mini rant: I'm tired of it. All of it. It's only approaching mid July. ...I'm tired of debates that go on. They're not new.

    .... I'm just saying that it's mid July, I'm starting to get bombarded by political rhetoric with terminus that is too far off in the future for my liking. I want my life meta tagged, so I can just filter out politically tagged items. At first I would tell myself "well you don't have to read the article/thread/whatever" but now just reading the title and knowing it's there is getting exhausting.

    Anyone else getting this feeling?

    All the time regarding polemical rhetoric! But my polisci PhDc daughter won't let me hide in a cave so I've done the next best thing. Perhaps my diversionary tactics may spark an idea or two for you. First, I don't watch the news. Second, I skim the NYT and only delve into those news items that interest me. Third, comedy - political comedy is a godsend here, absolutely! The truism not to discuss politics and religion in polite company has benefit and we can modify it in today's 24/7 information world to include turning off the noise MORE often than not.

    This is not a cop-out. You are already informed and you vote and, I presume, regularly communicate to your congressional reps national and state on specific bills and issues in a timely and regular manner. Therefore, you don't need anything else EXCEPT if it entertains you. However, that's sorta like an RN trying to relax at home watching "ER".

    Last but not least, the drinking game. If you have trouble getting your fluid daily and must watch the news shows at home for whatever reason, just plan the key words ahead of time and every time one of them says it, guzzle your water!!! LOL

    Good luck!

  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Voting for Romney because you are disappointed in Obama is like asking Jerry Sandusky to baby sit your kids because you're pissed that the babysitter was late.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I'm not rich enough or interested enough in other people's sex lives/marriages to vote Republican this time around. Aside from more money for the rich (taken from the poor and middle class), guns, and issues invloving sex and marriage I can't think of anything they really stand for anymore.

    I am not a party line person. I prefer to use my brain. But I may well just pull that D lever and be done with it this time.
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