Calories vs points



  • mommymeryl
    I find this topic so interesting. .I have been doing WW since last November and did very well thru April and then slipped a bit. As of the last few weeks, I am back on track, but someone told me about MFP and now I am trying to play around with both.

    Intersting that you all say that 26 points is approx 1100-1200 calories. My WW leader told me that each point is approx 50 calories - so I am figure I am eating way more on WW than I appear to on MFP. As a matter of fact, I can always be within my points, but be over my suggested calories of 1200 (to lose 1 pound a week).

    Basically, the way I figure, before you do a stitch of exercise on either site, MFP gives me 1200 calories and WW gives me 1300 calories at 50 calories per point. .then if you add in the 49 extra points, which I need to because I always eat at least 3-4 extra points a day - I can never seem to stay within the 26 points - so that is an extra 75-100 calories a day. ..

    Anyways - I am still torn and for the moment track on both. ..
  • gal_amy
    I do both...I keep track of my points (26 per day) and count calories. Yes, there are some days when I go over my points, but I found I was eating WAY TOO MUCH fruit on WW alone. Since starting MFP and counting my calories I am back to losing weight, I had plateaued BIG time. For some both works, for others it doesn't. Just like we are all different!

    Do you enter the free fruits and vegetables on MFP?