Day 11 - there are only 2 reasons...

Fattack Posts: 666 Member
...that you should be eating!

1. To appreciate flavour
2. To fuel your body.

If your food is not meeting one of the above criteria, chances are you're emotionally eating (and yes, that includes boredom eating!).


1.Each time you eat something, write down the time that you ate it. Include all of your meals as well as snacks and nibbles. At the end of the day, count the number of times you took in fuel.
2. Plan ways to space your fuel stops between 3-4 hours apart
3. Notice whether having regular fuel stops during the day improves your energy and your focus


  • Today I went out to get lunch with some of my co-workers. We all bought salads and then cake/traybake/desert type things (I halved mine with someone!). They all ate theirs straight after lunch but I kept mine for 3pm-ish when I was starting to feel peckish. Everyone was like "whaaaat, why don't you just eat it now?" but I didn't feel like I NEEDED it, I'd just have been eating for the sake of it.

    This challenge makes me realise that actually, subconsciously, I was eating to appreciate flavour... when my body needed fuelled :)
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    I grazed today. I've found that if I eat little and often that I tend to eat less than if I eat 3 proper meals. Admittedly I've just stuffed a pasta bake loaded with cheese down post cycle, but I'm off swimming in a couple of hours so it should have settled by then and be shoving some much needed energy back into my body!
  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    Good point! two reasons to eat, and really the second is what matters the most. :)
  • Bola17
    Bola17 Posts: 120 Member
    I was taking my son to the dentist today which took a bit longer than expected so didn´t have my lunch until almost 2pm. This is far too late to be "fuel" for me but I managed to make good choices and ended up being really sluggish until I had a snack at about 3.45. But I know the danger signs and it is a really good thing that I didn´t have any chocolate in the house :) Was really craving sugar but did greek yogurt and a banana!! (Witch is fuel and flavour for me) :wink:
  • kimannabella
    kimannabella Posts: 31 Member
    I started intermittent fasting, which means instead of 3 small meals and 2 snacks evenly spaced, I am choosing a couple of days a week to eat three meals in an 8 hour window and fast for the other 16 hours. It has been a great control on my grazing, and I have not had any "junk" foods in over 2 weeks, would also rate my saeity levels as high, I don't feel the need for processed foods since going off them.

    But I don't feel like eating at all today. My grandfather's in the end stage of COPD and he's chosen not to go on life support.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    I have found that must eat for fuel and not for flavour - I love food and if I eat for flavour I eat ALL the time. So I eat for flavour while fueling only - otherwise it is a binge.
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    My trouble is, my husband has been brought up to have breakfast when he wakes up, lunch at 1pm (our main hot meal) and tea at 6pm. That leaves a reeeaaalllyyy long time between then and bed time, midnight. We definitely eat for the flavour though, Indians, chinese, chillis, the spicier the better. I do find the evenings I tend to eat for the sake of it ,rather than fuelling, that's for sure, but I do earn those calories with exercise and I try not to go over my goal calories.
  • Oh_Cat
    Oh_Cat Posts: 59 Member
    I experimented with meal timings today... I usually get home too tired to make proper hot meal after my double Wednesday workout, but it means I get lazy and just rely on protein shakes / yoghurts etc - so today I had dinner at 5pm, at work (Innocent Veg Pot) and then a protein shake when I got home. Had more energy for my workout, and got three portions of veg in, so winner all round :)