How much have you lost with MFP?



  • nelliebarr
    nelliebarr Posts: 11 Member
    I've lost 19lbs since the end of April, I was losing 2lb a week, but that seems to have evened out to
    a steady 1lb a week now. I have another 23lb to go.
  • allan2012
    allan2012 Posts: 1
    I started MFP in mid-January of this year and I've lost 70lbs as of today.
    It's been a godsend in keeping track of the number of calories I was consuming each day. I thought I had a rough idea. But I didn't! It amazed me, the calorifical value of 90% of what I was eating and MFP made keeping track of (and reducing) those levels so easy.
    It does become obsessive - nothing goes into my mouth until its been scanned or recorded!
    But it's so worth it.
    A combination of calorie counting with the invaluable help of MFP (I can't believe it's a free app!) and more exercise has done the trick for me.
  • ShaunMc1968
    ShaunMc1968 Posts: 204
    5lb in 4 weeks