Neurological Symptoms



  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I agree with everyone above. There are definitely neurological symptoms for me- depression, fogginess, loss of energy and motivation. And anyone who even thinks they might be intolerant of gluten should NEVER go back, test it, or try to see how much they can tolerate. The damage to the intestines can become irreversible. Your intestines have little fingers, called villae. They work to increase the surface area of your intestines to be huge, allowing your body to absorb the nutrients you need. With gluten intolerance, those villae, little fingers, start to shrink. Eventually your intestines become completely smooth, cutting the surface area for absorption drastically! You are literally starving your body of the nutrients it needs to maintain itself! I am convinced that my severe arthritis in every joint at age 54 is from a lifetime of undiagnosed gluten intolerance. Do NOT take the risk of being in the pain that people like me are in every day! Stay away from this poison!
  • eatathome
    eatathome Posts: 81 Member
    I stopped eating gluten about a year ago and (I don't believe coincidentally, though i still take meds) stopped having seizures about a year ago. My b-12 levels were single-digit when I was diagnosed.
  • Erin1712
    Erin1712 Posts: 21 Member
    I am so happy to find others who have neurological symptoms! I have only been mostly gluten free for 4 months and I am off my anti-depressants and with vitamin supplements I have been feeling much better. I did not have so many digestive issues but neurological symptoms were bad! I had brain fog and I felt like my brain was dying! I had no motivation and no energy I also had what we termed "coma-sleep" where my brain would shut down and I would fall asleep and not be able to wake up or be woken up until my brain decided it was time. I am thankful my grandma got diagnosed with celiacs after many years so that I could be diagnosed while still in my 20's. AND my children were able to be diagnosed at such young ages.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    Oh yeah! I've been there. I actually quit the best job I ever had because I thought I hated it, and it depressed me. But after leaving and going completely gluten free almost all, if not all of my issues where caused by gluten. It makes me highly anxious and paranoid. Some of the side effect of eating gluten are just mindblowing.
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Oh yes.
    Migraines, anxiety, depression, arthritis, brain fog, and all that. I don't even try a little bit anymore. I've been GF for 3 years now. I still deal with arthritis but not nearly to the extent that I did when I was eating a 'healthy diet full of whole grains'. My thinking is clearer now/
  • absmith55
    I have been gluten and wheat free for about 3 weeks. I don't even miss it as much as I expected! I'm finding that I have a bit more energy and am hopeful I'll see even more improvements over the comings weeks and months. As I read more and more, I'm amazed by the neurological symptoms that people report. I've had all sorts of eye and leg twitches for the past year or so. I've also struggled with foot pain and tightness in my leg muscles that transformed me from a frequent runner to someone who can't sit or stand without my feet hurting (and I'm only 30). I am praying that the diet changes I've undertaken will help everything.

    (Would love to connect with others who are gluten/wheat free, possibly eating paleo/primal, and really enjoy working out and lifting.)
  • BabzyBC
    BabzyBC Posts: 5 Member
    Absolutely! I've been gluten free for a year now and I've noticed a HUGE improvement with my anxiety.
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    I KNOW I have gluten issues..blood test neg but will be seeing a GI DR in Feb, so CAN'T go GF yet..and I definately have the neuro fact the day before Thanksgiving I was driving and my brain shut down like u r in a bad wreck, too.. I'm OK but really sore....yesterday I had PIZZA and breaded chicken and mac & ch with my grandkids who r visiting from Australia, and today my brain is absolutely awful...beeen sleepig most of the day...can't wait to go GF all the way...when I eat only GF, the excema on my elbow starts to heal...I had the fecal issues for 15 years, but this fixed when I changed my GENERIC meds to Brand...I also think that over the last year I have had the malopsorption issues...stated eating NUTRIENT RICH and taking a fistfull of vitamins and suppliments....that helps the fatigue and weakness...
  • jrhodo
    jrhodo Posts: 43 Member
    Why would you even wait? No matter what the doctors say, your tests won't change if you go gluten free now. Besides, if you feel better when you're off gluten, the test results don't matter.
    I went gluten free before most doctors thought it would help. I had the brain fog and yearly bouts of clinical depression. I have been GF for over 9 years and not one episode of depression.
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    Why would you even wait? No matter what the doctors say, your tests won't change if you go gluten free now. Besides, if you feel better when you're off gluten, the test results don't matter.
    I went gluten free before most doctors thought it would help. I had the brain fog and yearly bouts of clinical depression. I have been GF for over 9 years and not one episode of depression.

    I read that if u go GF before the biopsy, it will show neg...I want to know which level I am, because of family issues also..and I want to know HOW LONG I will be this way....
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Why would you even wait? No matter what the doctors say, your tests won't change if you go gluten free now. Besides, if you feel better when you're off gluten, the test results don't matter.
    I went gluten free before most doctors thought it would help. I had the brain fog and yearly bouts of clinical depression. I have been GF for over 9 years and not one episode of depression.

    I read that if u go GF before the biopsy, it will show neg...I want to know which level I am, because of family issues also..and I want to know HOW LONG I will be this way....

    I didn't wait for a doctor's appointment or a doctor's diagnosis. My cousin had it, I had the exact same symptoms, I followed what she was doing to heal HER stomach, and I feel a LOT better......