13th July weigh. ONLY LOG HERE PLEASE :)

Nicola1944 Posts: 290 Member
Oh dear....

Gain for me this week -

173.6! :explode:

Good luck everyone else x


  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    Weight 6/22 - 152
    Weight 6/29 - 151
    Weight 7/6 - 151.8
    Weight 7/13 - 151.4

    I'm still really sore and I dropped back down to 150.8 Monday after 3 days of rest so I'm not worried about the scale. I've eaten between 1,400-1,500 net calories a day and have busted my butt working out every day since Monday. I'm so looking forward to my rest day tomorrow! My goal now is to break 150 (since apparently this is tougher than I thought it would be) by the end of July!
  • Fab4life1
    Fab4life1 Posts: 31 Member
    6/22 - 182.2 lbs.
    6/29 - 180.6 lbs.
    7/6 - 180.4 lbs.
    7/13 - 179.8 lbs.
  • krickett84
    krickett84 Posts: 8 Member
    6/22 - 147 lbs
    6/29 - 147 lbs
    7/6 - 146.5
    7/13 - 144.5

    Down 2 this week :)
  • mommiejohnsonof6
    mommiejohnsonof6 Posts: 208 Member
    186.8 last week ........ 186.6 this didnt work out all week just glad I didnt gain oh well
  • MandyAnnV
    MandyAnnV Posts: 68 Member
    262.00 . . .Not as much as in the past, but I am happy. It was my TOM, I have been sick all week, and last saturday I indulged in some very high calorie/fat italian food at a restaurant. This next week is a new week!
  • jenguhl
    jenguhl Posts: 79
    Down 1 lb this week after two weeks of not losing anything.
  • jenguhl
    jenguhl Posts: 79
    6/22 - 182.2 lbs.
    6/29 - 180.6 lbs.
    7/6 - 180.4 lbs.
    7/13 - 179.8 lbs.
    Nice work!
  • skyewatts
    skyewatts Posts: 9 Member
    Started this challenge at 140, was down to 136 then after a rough weekend i was back up to 140. Im working my way back down and was at 138.4 this morning!
  • jenguhl
    jenguhl Posts: 79
    6/22 - 147 lbs
    6/29 - 147 lbs
    7/6 - 146.5
    7/13 - 144.5

    Down 2 this week :)
    Good job!
  • russ1220
    russ1220 Posts: 58
    Not pleased with logging this increase but here it is: 7/13 up to 168 lbs:frown:

    Better luck & motivation next week!
  • Panabarr1
    Panabarr1 Posts: 11
    last three weeks 209.4
    and today was 212.0 :( think it is muscle ??
  • EllenBe
    EllenBe Posts: 31
    136.4lbs - down (nearly) a pound :)
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    SW: 159
    6/29: 156.6
    7/6: 156.6
    7/14: 156.2

    Disappointing, but not discouraging. Life is full of ups and downs!
    This was a crazy week : My husband's birthday party, eating lunch at the amusement park and an outdoor concert.
    Food choices were the best that were available ... but not the kind of food that I plan to eat regularly.

    I just reviewed my food calories for the past week. I ate less than 1200 calories one day (yesterday) because I was just too hot and tired to do more. Every other day I've eaten at least the 1200. Two days I went over the MFP daily goal by 100-300 calories. (NOT normal for me!) After eating back some of my exercise calories, but not all, I was 384 calories below the MFP daily goal for the last week.

    This will be a new week.
    Actually, today is the first day of the rest of my life!
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    I see some of you are doing a great job losing ... Keep it up!!!

    For the others that are losing only a little, or going the wrong way ... just keep going. Push yourself, challenge yourself. No one said it would be an easy journey, but remember what prompted you to take this journey, and keep going! You CAN do it!

    last three weeks 209.4
    and today was 212.0 :( think it is muscle ??

    Panabarr1, if you are working out, you could be losing fat and replacing it with muscles. Have you tried measuring yourself? That's a good indication of your fat loss. And, fat loss is more important than weight loss.

    Sodium intake, amount of water consumed the day before, bowl movements, TOM ... they can also account for increases. Even the time of day can make a difference. (Do you weigh yourself in the morning, naked, before eating or drinking???

    If you think your gain could be muscle, that means you are working out! Keep up the good work!!!
  • SlideboyxBrian
    SlideboyxBrian Posts: 35 Member
    Starting weight 22/06/2012 111 kg or 242.2 pounds .....86 pounds lost total so far
    First week 29/06/2012 108.5 kg or 238.7 pounds .....91 pounds lost total so far
    Second week 05/07/2012 107.8 kg or 237.6 pounds ...93 pounds lost total so far
    Third week 12/07/2012 106.5 kg or 234.3 pounds.... 96 pounds lost total so far
    Fourth week 19/07/2012
    Fifth week 26/07/2012

    Ok, my pledges are

    1. Drink water only not diet carbonated drinks

    2. Exercise every week day, outdoor fitness or gym. Bike ride and walk where possible, avoid car.

    3. Reach 100 pounds lost and or under 105kg on scales by end of July.
  • Furbuster
    Furbuster Posts: 254 Member
    148 this week - up one pound, cumulative 2 loss.

    Hardly suprising with beer, curries and a SUBLIME rock festival but that pound weight gain was great lol... x