my experience

davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
yea, for me any sugar creates a craving. Its not psychological in physical which affects my psychology. Its not me just wanting something a feeling bad when i do it - same for most sugar addicts. The answer is not to eat sugar. If I don't eat it I don't get a craving - simple. As for bad feelings - well part of the physical affect on my brain is after a while I deplete my serotonin level so I can feel low , depressed and have bad feelings. I also deplete my beta endorphins which makes any bad thoughts I think stronger - all in all I start to feel crap. The low blood sugar I get due to eating sugar (after a while my insulin levels increase to drop my blood sugar and it drops even lower than I started with) makes me feel knackered. Because I am knackered (and I subconsciously know what will spark me up ) and craving along with low serotonin (also responsible for me to being able to control my impulses and say no) I find it very difficult not to eat more. If I do this for a while (over a few days) my adrenalin system starts to get triggered which adds to the psychological fun. I end up feeling anxious and depressed - bad a bout things. I also can feel detached from those I love and have been known to get snappy. All this from a little bit of sugar which my brain told me would be a good idea this time around. I find it best to be on my guard and try and avoid the stuff like the plague. If you identify then seriously go over to radiant recovery for more info. If I slip the way out for me is to forget my diet for a couple of days. Stop eating sugar completely and allow myself to eat anything and everything I want. My blood sugar returns to normal, I stop craving, my psychology returns to normal because the psychical side is back in equilibrium and then I can start my diet again.