Just Starting - Need some support?


Just starting tomorrow and wondered if anyone else wanted to buddy - buddy for the next month or maybe longer. Feel free to add me for a bit of gentle encouragement.

Would be good to have someone to bounce ideas off, tell me off when I don't do as well as I should, or just cast a dissappointing glance in my direction or throw overa bit of unsolicited praise when I have a good day.

And of course I will reciprocate.



  • karenknob
    karenknob Posts: 19
    Welcome to MFP, this site has been my support for the last couple of months and it has really helped me just to know that others are going through the same thoughts and feelings as me. Take each day as a beginning so if you fall off the wagon today you will know that tomorrow is a fresh start. Dont be too hard on yourself either.You can do this!!!
  • clairegreen1974
    clairegreen1974 Posts: 121 Member
    Hiya Nigel!

    We're all a friendly bunch here, welcome aboard! :)
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    Welcome Nigel!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • chunkyjeff
    chunkyjeff Posts: 68 Member
    Hello Nigel,

    And welcome to MFP , this is a great site with lots of friendly people always willing to support you ... feel free to add me !!!