P90X Diet - Today is a NEW day!

alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
I posted this on my wall but since its all about the p90x diet plan I thought I would post it here!

Okay today is a new day! I started P90x Sunday and tried to follow the low carb (30%) high protein (50%) diet they recommended on Monday with the workout plan. They recommend this for the first month then gradually bring in more carbs. Anyway, I completely crashed and was eating every carb in site once 11 am hit. I evidently have too low body fat to follow that plan acording to the book??? Or I am weak one of the two ;) Didn’t help that my fitbit had me waking up 10x throughout the night with little sleep so I was really tired and I did the full workout and walked at lunch.

Anyway, today is a new day and I am not following there diet plan. I am doing my own plan because that seems to work best! I was absolutely STARVING the whole day and I polished off like 1910 calories plus!! When I am usually fine with anything under or around1500. I like trying new things to see what works better for me but it seems 5-6 meals a day is perfect with the first meal as a granola bar in the morning. If I eat more then that in the morning I want to pig out and I am eating my carbs… I LOVE MY CARBS! I WILL BE EATING MY PEANUT & BUTTER SANDWHICH TODAY! Lost all my baby fat and then some doing this so I am sticking with it. And my body loves carbs too so I am listening too it. Around 1500 calories a day is and has been working perfect since I have been bumping up my workouts a lot and doing extra workouts. The 1150 was doing great when I started ( I am only 5'1 and 109 lbs) but these last 2 weeks of me adding in an extra workout and doing more and longer workouts has me needing more. Okay as I said today is a NEW day so going back to what works and throwing the nutrition plan from p90x out the window! Although might keep some of it for new recipe ideas… there are a lot. Good luck to you all today!


  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    I have done P90X 3 times now and have had the same experience at you...I'm 5'4" and 109...but I need more carbs than they suggest. You are wise to listen to your body....if I went by their plan, I am either starving or exhausted...neither one is positive. But I have gotten really good results from P90X and love the program....we just have to tweek it to fit our bodies :)
    keep up the good work!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I'm currently aiming for 40:40:20 as i just cannot so 50:30:20. It isn't about hunger or anything, it is more that I feel sick eating that much protein.
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    You know what, it's all about what works for you. We all function differently and have our own set goals. My first round of p90x, I did the 50/30/20 for both the first and second phase. I was just going for mostly body fat. This time I plan on doing that again, because I gained all of that back this past year and need to lose it all. Good luck to you! Hope you keep rockin it!

    I have a thread going on in the BeachBody Fit Club with a bunch of us p90xers checking in and keeping each other motivated. Feel free to join us if you want. :)

    Here's the link: