Riding to Grand Teton & Yellowstone National Parks

My husband & I are riding to Grand Teton & Yellowstone National Parks this week from Colorado. We have made the journey before, but this is the first time on the bikes. I am so excited! Have you rode your bike there? What did you enjoy most? What was your favorite site?


  • I've been there but not on bikes. we did ride from Florida to Vegas, up into colorado then back home. It is so awesome. I love being on the road. I think Colorado was the best part of the trip!
  • idahoprincess72
    idahoprincess72 Posts: 48 Member
    Bring the bikes next time! You'll enjoy the rides here in CO.
  • k1200s
    k1200s Posts: 16 Member
    Hey idahoprincess,

    We made this loop last summer.
    From PA flew into Jackson WY, picked up our rented bikes there at 3:00PM.
    Rode through the Grand Tetons and entered Yellowstone at the South Entrance.
    Through the park to the East Entrance and spent the 1st night in Cody, WY.
    Next day out of Cody on the Chief Joseph Highway into Cooke City, MT for lunch then over the Bear Tooth Pass with the sun at our backs into Red Lodge, MT for dinner with my in laws. Spent 2nd night in Bridger, MT.
    Left Bridger for the Beartooth again, sun again at our backs, early morning ride to Cooke City for lunch again and into Yellowstone Park at North Entrance. Visited park then out West Yellowstone for dinner and spent 3rd night in Big Sky, MT. GREAT!
    Left Big Sky south to Hebgen Lake, Earthquake Lake and had lunch in Ashton ID then blasted down rt 33 & 32/22 over Teton Pass, arrived just after a talcum truck over-turn on the pass, whole mountain covered in talcum, amazing. On into Jackson had to get bikes back by 3:00 PM. Spent last night in Jackson flew home to PA next day.
  • ladyrider55
    ladyrider55 Posts: 316 Member
    That whole area is absolutely breaktaking! I was out there in '99 in my car but now that I have my Bike I want to experience everything I did with the car on my Bike someday :happy:

    I hope you both have an absolute wonderful and safe trip. btw, keep your eyes on the road and when you want to look out over the land, pull off to the side first then look, mountain roads change in an instant from dry to wet to snow. Be Safe.

    Sue in WI
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I've been to that area a few times. Hope you went through Wind River Canyon on the way.

    Also, taking some time in the Bighorns is welllll worth it. It's not too far out of the way. 14 and 14A are incredible, especially if you are coming westbound on 14A, the whole plain lays out below you including Bighorn Lake & River -- awesome!

    Another area to work into the ride if you can is Flaming Gorge Lake. The southern part is incredible, and continuing on the road to Vernal UT is just OMFG territory.

    I haven't been 'everywhere' around the park, but so far I like the northern part of the park and the north eastern access over Beartooth Pass the best.