Ugh, here we go again...

ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
I did it again, fellow Wagoneers. I fell off the bandwagon. I'm so disgusted with myself! I've lived a gluten free lifestyle since last November. Well, with fun summer stuff, my family having a HUGE birthday week last week, and (I'll admit) my poor self-control, I've managed to eat likely my body weight in yummy gluten-filled stuff.

I feel like crap.

And I've gained 9 pounds...ick.

I'm not adjusting my tracker to show the's cheating, I know. I'm choosing to simply not allow myself to "rejoice" in losing those 9#'s just needs to be done since I had already done it...numerous times.

I'm so ticked that I can only use my diet to really change my weight--I have huge activity restrictions right now per my Physical Therapist. Not easy to lose without activity!'s my question...does anyone have hints for how to improve your will/self-control? Mine's pathetic!



  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    I didn't adjust my tracker either - depressed me too much - I just came back from being injured - i was able to do upper body get back on the wagon and move forward you can do it! even if it's with restrictions
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    I am barely holding on myself. :explode: We had another mini vacation in New Orleans. Unlike the last trip my willpower did not hold as well this time. I didn't eat over my calories but I ate fried foods and now I am find myself craving CRAP !!!

    We have been home two days and I have resisted, but I am feeling deprived for the first time since starting MFP. I am hoping that as the days past it will get easier or I will find a renewing of my will power.

    Part of the problem is I really don't feel like cooking or eating then suddenly I am hungry for junk :noway: I want to weight and see success but am afraid if the scales have not gone down I may lose grip on that last straw. I desperately need a someone to throw me a rope :grumble:
  • gin_gin
    gin_gin Posts: 184
    I have had so many mini vacations since my real vacation and never logged the weight difference but tomorrow I'm back on track again gonna weigh in and face the music
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    Thanks everyone! Still no downwards movement on my scale...but I'm still not as good about my eating habits as I should be. I really need to focus!

    jojo52610: I'm restricted due to an injury too...mine's a total body restriction so I'm only able to do some basic (modified) yoga. I know it helps but it's SO SLOW! I want to at least go out for a long walk or something. Eek! What kind of exercises are you doing? Maybe I can convince my PT that they'd be okay for me! :)

    TArnold2012: Your vacation sounds yummy! I understand how hard it is to get back when you've let yourself "slide". I'm really grateful to this group for the support--it's good to know that not everyone on MFP is an instant success. You're going to be amazing...keep up the good work and things will happen! :)

    gin_gin: Fun, isn't it? I wish I could just boycott the scale...and healthy food...and anything that is good for me... I WANT CHOCOLATE! distracted there! :) I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that your "music" wasn't as bad as you anticipate!
  • gin_gin
    gin_gin Posts: 184
    well its more than I expected but hey I did it to myself

    what's sad is I've lost and gained the same last 7 lbs 5 times now over the course of
    4 months lol gotta stop that

    im back on track with eating hubby has tried to sabotage me with milkshakes
    mickey ds and everything in between and step kids come next week for a week
    so we'll see I'm determined to stick with it