Calorie intake will doing Turbo Fire

Jess830409 Posts: 285 Member
Without looking at everyone's individual pages I was wondering about how many calories are you guys setting yor limit to while doing the program??

I know everyone's stats are different but wanted a general idea :)



  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I have mine set to 1400. I try not to focus on cals too much though. I eat a mostly primal diet (well, I'm trying to anyway) so I just eat until I'm satisfied and I focus more on my carb and protien intake:)
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    I kept changing mine throughout the program because I could not find what worked for me. I will tell you that 1200 is WAY too low, I was starving and burning so many calories and CRANKY! I ended up with about 1600 a day towards the 20 weeks, but I am also a teacher and I was working-moving around a lot. Now, it is summer and I am not moving during the day so much so I had to lower the calories again and it is around 1400. I don't keep my diary open because I don't like ridicule over foods I eat and i am embarrassed at some of the interesting things I eat, too, but generally I try NOT to eat ALL of my exercise calories back, but lately that is all I am doing. I think it is out of boredom. Ugh. Howerver, eating all my exercise calories back for me is causing me NOT to lose weight.

    So, now that I have rambled, I don't know if I amswered your questions. At one point though, I did read the book that came with TF and they give you a way to calculate how much you should be eating in there a day...
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    I have mine set to 1400. I try not to focus on cals too much though. I eat a mostly primal diet (well, I'm trying to anyway) so I just eat until I'm satisfied and I focus more on my carb and protien intake:)

    you are good :) I need to focus on not eating junk! Or the McDonalds I had to day :( FAIL!
  • Jess830409
    Jess830409 Posts: 285 Member
    Thanks ladies...I have my goal set at 1350 but after working out and sometimes being under by 100-200 I am noticing my net seems really low. I am thinking more of a 1400-1500 goal and maybe 1350 on the one rest day from the program.

    Thanks for the info! :)
  • MrsT_2009
    MrsT_2009 Posts: 90 Member
    I had my calories set for 1600 while doing ChaLEAN Extreme and plan to keep it the same for Turbofire. When I used the calculation in the book that is about what I came up with. While doing CLX I was hungry all.the.time, especially the day after I would lift heavy and ended up eating back my exercise calories more often than not. I only lost 2 pounds with CLX, but definitely gained muscle. I only have a few pounds to go to goal and am hoping to kick them with TF!
  • BlondieBride
    BlondieBride Posts: 63 Member
    I am 5'3 and 130lbs and I am eating 1700-1800 calories per day and losing 1lb per week.
  • Jess830409
    Jess830409 Posts: 285 Member
    I am 5'3 and 130lbs and I am eating 1700-1800 calories per day and losing 1lb per week.

    Really. Now I feel like I am undereating. Are you pretty active the rest of the day?? My stats are not too far off from you I am 5' 3" and 141 at last weigh in...looking to lose a steady 1 lb a week
  • angiezturn
    angiezturn Posts: 49
    I actually am thinking of increasing my calorie intake as well. Its set at 1200 and i've hit a plateau and haven't lost pretty much anything in nearly 2 weeks. I just started turbofire thinking of increasing to 1400 as well.
  • Jess830409
    Jess830409 Posts: 285 Member
    I actually am thinking of increasing my calorie intake as well. Its set at 1200 and i've hit a plateau and haven't lost pretty much anything in nearly 2 weeks. I just started turbofire thinking of increasing to 1400 as well.

    I think that we probably should so we can give it all we got! Personally, I am gonna do it slowly first making sure I hit my current calorie goal of 1350...which I have a hard time doing sometimes...then increase by 50 calories or so until I find that spot of good energy and still making progress weight loss wise :)
  • mkvanli
    mkvanli Posts: 8 Member
    Does anyone follow the prescribed formula that they offer in the Nutrition Guide? I've been feeling a bit lethargic most days after my workouts, and I've just been going with what MFP prescribed for my body type. I looked back at the nutrition guide, and with doing just the basic calculations (I did what they suggested for steps 3&4), they want me to add almost 600 calories! I have a feeling this might help my lethargy, but I'm surprised that there is such a difference between the two programs!
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    I have my calories set for 1600, and I try to eat back my exercise calories as well. Some days I am not as hungry, and other days, I could eat a horse!
  • BlondieBride
    BlondieBride Posts: 63 Member
    I am 5'3 130lbs and I eat 1850 calories per day and lose 1lb per week. You ladies that are on 1400 calories are not eating enough!
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    I have mine set at 2150. losing about .5 lb a week which is perfect (slow and steady fat loss, no deprivation, no metabolism slowdown, plenty of energy for a great workout and no rebound fat gain when I go back up to maintenance after hitting goal weight/size!)
  • Jdubmarie
    Jdubmarie Posts: 66 Member
    when I started the program I aimed for 1600...didn't lose a single pound the first month. So I backed it down and now eat 1300-1400. I'm slowly seeing some progress.
  • BlondieBride
    BlondieBride Posts: 63 Member
    I am 5'3 and 130lbs and I am eating 1700-1800 calories per day and losing 1lb per week.

    Really. Now I feel like I am undereating. Are you pretty active the rest of the day?? My stats are not too far off from you I am 5' 3" and 141 at last weigh in...looking to lose a steady 1 lb a week

    Im a SAHM, so sometimes sitting, sometimes playing with my son outside, not overly active outside of exercise. I just prefer to eat more to have more energy and keep my metabolism up.
  • dderrough
    I have been upping mine slowly, and am currently at 1700. Every time I would up them, I would start losing weight again, but then after about two weeks start feeling run down. Beachbody tells me I should be eating 1700 too. So, even though some days I can't seem to eat nearly that much, I lose weight so much easier when I do. I also try to eat even more on the days I do a P90X strength training workout.
  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I keep my calories between 1500-1800 depending on the day. I try to stay in the 1500 range on my rest days. I'm losing about 1 lb per week so far.
  • ceajules
    It has me at 1200 also but I wear a heart rate monitor then add the exercise and it adds back in those calories when I wasnt eating enough I stopped losing thats where I am now, so eating more

    Here is my story
    Since January between P90x and Turbofire I have lost 19 inches!!!
    Would would like to do the same?

    This is my story

    Hello my name is Angel and I am 39 year old former couch potato
    I have struggled with my weight and have tried every fad diet there was and hated working out, I wanted that quick fix. A year ago heavier and out of shape I decided to try P90X however I never changed my diet and 66 days into I gave up I didnt see the results I wanted after that I continued to put on more weight after seeing some pictures of myself I said enough is enough and like everyone else on the planet in January I decided to lose weight and exercise after losing 20lbs through healthy eating I did some walking and other DVDS at home but it just wasn't cutting it. I would see the commercials and I thought I need to try that P90X again and finish it this time! After week one I thought what was I thinking I could barely do the push ups on my knees I hurt everywhere and never thought I would get better or even finish I would see myself in the mirror working out many times I cried. I kept pushing play!!! I got stronger I was bringing it! Push ups well I can bust out 100 right now if you would like :) If I can do this anyone can! I then passed the fit test for Insanity and have been doing that and I hate it and love it all at the same time. I love having muscles I love being strong I love being healthy. I graduated from P90X in August 2012 and I am so proud! and I want to help others so I became coach and began my 2nd workout Turbofire, I was scared at first because I have no coordination but I fell in love with the program and the music and I will see this through to the end 20 weeks :) I finish it before my 40th Birthday in December and I cant wait to start another program, my goal is to do all of them
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Ok, I am terrible with numbers and calculations, but I entered my details into MFP, it calculated my BMR was something like 1800 for my daily activity level, so it subtracted 500 to create a deficit for loss and then adds the cals earned from my daily workouts, which are always different, so I'm eating a different amount each day depending on what exercise I've done. It has already created the 500 cal deficit from my BMR number, so I should technically still lose my allotted amount per week (if I could stop eating cake and be consistent with my logging!).

    How come you guys are sticking at a regular number of cals? Are you not eating back your exercise cals i.e. keeping to the same number of cals per day despite doing the different workouts each day?

    Apologies if I've missed a trick here!
  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    I try to aim for my TDEE -20% each day as a *net* amount of calories. That means that some days I do end up eating more calories overall, but I try to keep the net the same. I eat back the calories that I lose by working out.